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auscultatory method的中文,翻译,解释,例句

auscultatory method

auscultatory method的基本解释

[医] 听诊法

更多网络例句与auscultatory method相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper introduces and compares several blood pressure measurements, among which two noninvasive blood pressure measurements based on oscillometric and auscultatory method s are mainly compared.


Methods The author sampled Korotkoff's sound signal via microphone, and then according the cuff pressure corresponding to signal appearance and disappearance, the author acquired SBP and DBP. At last, the author validated the creditability by contrasting with the results of auscultatory method.


更多网络解释与auscultatory method相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

auscultatory method:听诊法

血压间接测量方法中,目前常用的有两种,即听诊法(Auscultatory method)和示波法(Oscillometric method). 听诊法由俄国医生Kopotkoc在1905年提出,迄今仍在临床中广泛应用. 但听诊法存在其固有的缺点:一是在舒张压对应于第四相还是第五相问题上一直存在争论[3],