英语人>词典>英汉 : as...as...的中文,翻译,解释,例句




更多网络例句与as...as...相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I love it as...as more than a house.


It uses such words as"like"or"as...as."


Such words as "like"and"as...as"are omitted.


Its logic was as foreign to him as...as a salad sandwich.


Not as...as I am less lucky.


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更多网络解释与as...as...相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

there is nothing as...as... there is nothing as happy as loving you:没有什么事比爱上你让我更幸福了

101.the more...the more... the more you ... | 102.there is nothing as...as... there is nothing as happy as loving you.没有什么事比爱上你让我更幸福了. | 103.we'd bettet off without... we'd better off w...

there is nothing as...as... there is nothing as happy as loving you:没有什么事比爱上你让我更

101.the more...the more... the more you pay... | 102.there is nothing as...as... there is nothing as happy as loving you.没有什么事比爱上你让我更 | 103.we'd bettet off without... we'd better off withou...

than, the more... the more..., as...as..., not so...as:表示比较

表示方式 as, as...so, as if, according as; | 表示比较 than, the more... the more..., as...as..., not so...as; | Imagine 设想一下

(及其合成词)as...as ever"表示. 例如:as...as any

b. I have never seen so impolite a man as Yang Fei. 我从来没见过像杨飞这样不讲... | 3.6"as...as any(及其合成词)as...as ever"表示. 例如: | a. He is as brilliant a composer as ever lived. 他是古今最优秀的...

像嫩鹌鹑一样肥. (as...as:像...一样:as fat as young quails

what have you to fear你有什么好害怕的呢? | as fat as young quails像嫩鹌鹑一样肥. (as...as:��...一样...) | without troubling himself to speak连讲话的口舌也不想浪费.

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