英语人>词典>英汉 : articles of confederation的中文,翻译,解释,例句
articles of confederation的中文,翻译,解释,例句

articles of confederation

articles of confederation的基本解释


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The first attempt at national government was laid out in the Articles of Confederation.


They planned to make changes in the Articles of Confederation.


He opposed the Articles of Confederation because they provided little support for his army.


As with anyone's first try at something, the Articles of Confederation were not perfect.


Then in 1781 the rebellious states created a loose union under the Articles of Confederation.


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Articles of Confederation:邦联条例

这些殖民地居民在独立战争的硝烟中,基于一份最初旨在让起义各州结成联盟的文件--<<邦联条例>>(Articles of Confederation),成立了美利坚合众国. 殖民地人民于1781年──该条例得到最终批准和生效的同一年──赢得独立.

Articles of Confederation:联邦条例

在1786年,反对税收的马萨诸塞州农民和商人揭竿而起,攻击联邦武库,显示了<<联邦条例(Articles of Confederation)>>下的国家政府的软弱无力. 乔治?华盛顿警告说,"我们正快速走向无政府状态和混乱. "本来已经退休的华盛顿出山帮助制定宪法并成为总统.

Articles of Confederation:<联帮条例>

article of authority 授权条款 | articles of confederation <<联帮条例>> | articles of incorporation 公司组织章程

Articles of Confederation:邦联

Declaration of Independence 独立宣言 | Articles of Confederation 邦联 | The Constitution 宪法