英语人>词典>英汉 : application developer的中文,翻译,解释,例句
application developer的中文,翻译,解释,例句

application developer

application developer的基本解释


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We are looking for a web application and game developer for kids.


Please contact the developer of this application if you have questions.


It includes a Developer application that makes it easy to create and test new scripts.


There are a couple ways to get here depending on where you are in the Developer application.


This division of work mimics the division of work between the analyst and the developer in typical application development.


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更多网络解释与application developer相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

application developer:应用开发人员

传统上,编写会话服务的应用开发人员需要写一些管道工程(plumbing)代码,他们需要:² 在实现和客户端维持会话中特殊的状态,比如持久性(persistently)和事务处理(transactionally)² 应用开发人员(Application Developer):声明服务接口是会

application developer:应用发展人员

application convention 应用惯例 | Application Developer 应用发展人员 | application development 应 用 系 统 发 展

application developer:应用发展者

应用程序设计师 application designer | 应用发展者 Application Developer | 应用程序开发 application development

sun certified mobile application developer:abbr. scmad; 升阳

developer application:开发者

developed country 发达国家 | developer application 开发者 | developer 开发者

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