英语人>词典>英汉 : The War of the Worlds的中文,翻译,解释,例句
The War of the Worlds的中文,翻译,解释,例句

The War of the Worlds

The War of the Worlds的基本解释


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The Time Machine," is considered by many to be the best science fiction novel ever written, and "The War of the Worlds," and "The Invisible Man are hardly slouches, either.


The third doodle, on September 21, featured a scene from Wells's book War of the Worlds.


Is the earth ready for"the war of the worlds"?


LONDON In 1898, in "The War of the Worlds," H.G.


"Girl power universe 2000 War of the Worlds" is the name of that game.


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更多网络解释与The War of the Worlds相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The War of the Worlds:<星际战争>

权力意识对他有着凶险的吸引力,特别是如果它能够左右人们的思维,引导人们的梦想的话---正如在1938年通过电波传送的好莱坞广播剧<<星际战争>>(The War of the Worlds)中,他用戏剧化的手法警告火星人的入侵,并引起人们的现实的恐慌.

The War of the Worlds:世界大战

好莱坞影星汤姆.克鲁斯将联合大导演斯蒂文.斯皮尔伯格将著名科幻小说家H.G.威尔斯的一部描述外星人入侵地球的经典科幻小说 <<世界大战>>(The War of the Worlds)改编成电影.

The War of the Worlds:地球争霸战

执着地深爱着那些来自于上世纪50年代的低成本却充满着无边的想象力的原创科幻电影,比如说<<魔星>>(It Came from Outer Space)和<<怪人>>(The Thing From Another World),还包括具有着非常丰富、生动的舍彩的像<<地球争霸战>>(The War of the Worlds)、<<火星人入侵地

The War of the Worlds:(世界之战)

他写过"世界之战(The War of the Worlds)",一篇关于火星人入侵的小说,还有"隐形人"(The Invisible Man)-一本关于科学家发现隐形技术的小说. 1938年一部由Orson Welles导播的基于"世界之战"的广播剧播出时, 造成听众恐慌,并且认为那是真的外星人入侵的新闻广播.

just like in the War of the Worlds:就像世界大战一样

As you can see, the army is taking positions,|正如你所见... | just like in the War of the Worlds,|就像世界大战一样 | getting ready for our first close encounter with invaders from outer space.|随时准备...

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