英语人>词典>英汉 : Strachey的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[人名] 斯特雷奇

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NB: Also contains readings in Montaigne and Strachey Download from Project Gutenberg site


The sad news is that the studios involved in making the Donald Strachey Mysteries are not planning on making the fifth and sixth movie, even though there were rumors about their filming.


Due to the efforts of McCarthy(1962),Landin(1964),Strachey(1966),Wegner (1968),and others who provided insight into operational models of computation , we can now evaluate programming languages in terms of an unifying view of computation structures .


On the publication of To the Lighthouse , Lytton Strachey wrote: It is really most unfortunate that she rules out copulation - not the ghost of it visible - so that her presentation of things becomes little more...


Due to the efforts of McCarthy(1962), Landin(1964), Strachey(1996), Wegner(1968), and others who provided insight into operational models of computation. We can now evaluate programming languages in terms of an unifying view of computation structures. Semantics and the expressive power resulting from modularity can now be studied in terms of the data structures and the accessing paths to them established during the execution of the control statements of the language.

通过 McCarthy(1962)、 Landin(1964)、 Strachey(1996)、 Wegner(1968)和其他对计算的操作模型深入考查的人们的努力,现在我们正以统一的计算结构观点来评价程序设计语言,可以通过数据结构以及在执行语言语句时建立的访问路径,来研究语言和模块化导出的表达能力。

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更多网络解释与Strachey相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


不久之前,斯特雷奇(Strachey)引用亨利.贝里(Henri Beyle)的一句格言,可以证明我的观点. 那位法国小说家,经常挂在口边的一句话是,"完美风格的典范只有一个,即>;只有在那儿,每句话、每个词都精确、完整地表达了人们想要说的东西.

Lytton Strachey:林顿.斯特来彻

莱曼和派特里奇在剑桥时成为好友,后来她们结识并加入了这个拥有伍尔夫、E.M.福斯特、林顿.斯特来彻(Lytton Strachey)和J.M.凯恩斯的著名的知识分子圈子.

Lytton Strachey:利顿.斯特雷奇

1909 与利顿.斯特雷奇(Lytton Strachey)有过短暂的订婚. Keynes、Duncan Grant 和伦纳德.伍尔夫(Leonard Woolf)同住. 1917 伍尔夫夫妇买下一架二手的印刷机,在家中的地下室建立了霍加斯(Hogarth)出版社.

Lytton Strachey:堂纳斯维奇

98.Eminent Victorians 维多利亚时代的名人 | Lytton Strachey 堂纳斯维奇 | 99. The Color Purple 紫色


Strabo 斯特拉波 | Strachey,John 斯特雷奇,约翰 | Strasburger 斯脱劳伯格

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