英语人>词典>英汉 : Hoveden的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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They are included in four contemporary English chronicles: those of Abbot Benedict of Peterborough, Gervase of Canterbury, William of Newburgh, and Roger of Hoveden.

它们被包括在四个当代英语三多:那些住持本笃的彼得伯勒, gervase的坎特伯雷,威廉的纽堡,和Roger的

Bn who was the first to give the name "Appendix of the Lateran council" to the collection, added some variant readings and rubrics which he had found in the chronicle of Roger of Hoveden.


Hoveden . The Roman editors (Rm 4, 1612, 27-33), using also the manuscript codex of Antonio Augustine of Tarragona, produced a more accurate text and more variant readings.

罗马编辑(马币4 ,第1612 , 27-33 ),使用也手稿食品法典委员会的安东尼奥古斯丁的tarragona ,产生了更准确的文本和更多变读。

A historian of the time, Roger of Hoveden said they "ate from the same dish and at night slept in one bed" and had a "passionate love between them".
