英语人>词典>英汉 : Hicksville的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[地名] [美国] 希克斯维尔

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He told them many stories about Hicksville and his family there.


At least in EC they can hide their inadequacies and the fact they live in Hicksville.


He told them that his name was William Thompson and that he was from Hicksville, Ohio.


So Tom he thanked them very hearty and handsome, and let himself be persuaded, and come in; and when he was in he said he was a stranger from Hicksville, Ohio, and his name was William Thompson -- and he made another bow.


Well, he run on, and on, and on, making up stuff about Hicksville and everybody in it he could invent, and I getting a little nervious, and wondering how this was going to help me out of my scrape; and at last, still talking along, he reached over and kissed Aunt Sally right on the mouth, and then settled back again in his chair comfortable, and was going on talking; but she jumped up and wiped it off with the back of her hand, and says


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