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Hermit Kingdom的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Hermit Kingdom

Hermit kingdom
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It would be hard to make the Hermit Kingdom any more isolated than it already is.


With its medieval economy and eccentric leader, the Hermit Kingdom often seems more tragi-comic than threatening.


North Korea certainly deserves its nickname, the hermit kingdom.


Korea was used to be regarded as a "Hermit Kingdom," by western scholars, and the country is changing its image, attracting world reputation from culture richness besides its economic achievements.


After North Korea's July 4 fireworks -- seven missile tests launched toward Japan -- it would be easy to assume that the hermit kingdom is more isolated than ever.


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tyrant of the Hermit Kingdom:封闭王国的暴君

1. dangerously unpredictable 危险而不可预测的 | 2. tyrant of the Hermit Kingdom :封闭王国的暴君 | 3.Lunatic :疯子般的