英语人>网络解释>她 相关的搜索结果

与 她 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Be aware of her. She is mad


In hell.|在地狱里 | Be aware of her. She is mad.|当心,已经疯了 | And she will try to kill you.|会杀了你的

And where she was begat


of when she was good and when she was... 那时是健康的,是...... | And where she was begat 那里是出生的地方 | and in a generation 带大了整整一代

She betrothed herself to him


1516. Her father betrothed her to him at an early age. 父亲在年幼时已把... | 1517. She betrothed herself to him. 和他订婚了. | 1518. What is the difference between this and that? 这和那之间的区...

Ah,she doth depart


Termbling , cold , in ghastly fears , 我颤抖、冰凉、恐惧异常, | Ah ! She doth depart . 可呢,竟然走开! | Soon as she was gone from me , 从我这儿离去不久,

She took me to her elfin grot


"I love thee true." 是說是真心愛我 | She took me to her elfin grot, 帶我到了的山洞, | And there she wept and sighed full sore, 又是落淚,又是悲嘆,

She told Mr. Harmsworth that she never worked on Sundays


She said that she never worked on Sundays. ... | She told Mr. Harmsworth that she never worked on Sundays. 告诉过哈姆斯沃斯先生,星期日从不工作. | 'I have just finished work, 'Mr. Jones said. "我...

Her name is Mary. - What does she do

她叫 玛莉 -她做什么的

Right.|好吧 | Her name is Mary. - What does she do?|-叫 玛莉 -做什么的? | She sells insurance to deaf people.|卖听障保险的



丹麦PO: 神奇倒影杯-的(hers)关于丹麦PO: 神奇倒影杯-的(hers)商品的属性信息仅供参考,详细情况请向卖家咨询!丹麦PO: 神奇倒影杯-的(hers)商品名称:丹麦PO: 神奇倒影杯-的(hers)

她穿了她最好的衣服. ptG中国学习动力网

She's in her Sunday clothes today

6) She's kind of short, but she has a beautiful personality.是有点矮,可是... | 7) She's in her Sunday clothes today.穿了最好的衣服. ptG中国学习动力网 | 8) She wears too much make-up.妆化得很浓...

text her.

别再见她 别打她电话 也别给她发消息|- 我不怎么发短信的

...and I want to keep it that way.|So I'... | - Not to see her, call her, text her.|- I'm not much of a texter.|- 别再见 别打电话 也别给发消息|- 我不怎么发短信的 | Somebody in your circle seems|t...

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The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理

moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子