英语人>网络解释>她 相关的搜索结果

与 她 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

C: calf love


N: nice--让我身心愉悦 | C: calf love--是第一支能让我有感觉的球队,让我有初恋的感觉 | H: habit--观赏的比赛早已成了我习惯的一部分

That was fun!'she said,forgetting her crossness in the enjoyment of a good run


'Pleased at the idea of some... | 'That was fun!'she said,forgetting her crossness in the enjoyment of a good run. "这真有意思!"说,已因为奔跑的快乐而忘记了的不愉快. | At that moment,someone pass...

She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her


and all her paths are peace. 的路全是平安. | 18 She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her; 与持守的作生命树; | those who hold her fast are called happy. 持定的,俱各有福.

put her on a Librium taper for the withdrawal and get her a bed in a rehab clinic

给她使用利眠宁(安定药)以帮助她戒酒 然后在康复门诊给她订张病床

But when you don't find anyth... | put her on a Librium taper for the withdrawal and get her a bed in a rehab clinic.|给使用利眠宁(安定药)以帮助戒酒 然后在康复门诊给订张病床 | Chase: Lungs look c...

Her sin is her lifelessness


Her profession's her religion 的职业就是的宗教, | Her sin is her lifelessness 的罪恶就是的了无生气, | And though her eyes are fixed upon 尽管的眼睛凝结在,

I take care of her in such a kind way


我要哼着歌儿哄入眠 I sing songs for her to help her... | 都必须好好地,好好地,好好地关心~照顾~爱护 I take care of her in such a kind way. | 我想正常的人都会受不了这样的生活 Well, a normal man ca...

She told me that she heard a xombie going through her trash the other day


Yeah.|恩 | She told me that she heard a xombie going through her trash the other day.|告诉我有次听见有僵尸走过的垃圾堆 | The next morning, she turned up missing.|第二天早上,就看来不见了

They tell her that shes uncool


Her two kids in high school 可的两个孩子上了高中,听的那些乐队已经过时了 | They tell her that shes uncool 他们告诉,一点儿也不酷 | She's seen all the classics 看过所有经典的演出

Elbowed and jostled her


They trod and hustled her,他们踩 | Elbowed and jostled her,推 | Clawed with their nails,用他们的爪子抓

Nanda Sutaradhya


因為受南達王之子(奎師那)的崇拜,所以也叫 Nanda Sutaradhya; | 因為能移除生老病死,所以也叫Janma Mrityu jarapaha; | 因為代表韋達經典,所以也叫 Sruti;

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absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

