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与 study 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

study on agrobiology:农业生物学研究

study of the meiotic irregularities 减数分裂不规则行为的研究 | study on agrobiology 农业生物学研究 | study on animal breeding 动物育种研究

anthropological study:研究

战略:Strategy study | 研究:anthropological study | 现况:Chinese study

assiduously study; diligently study:攻读

3. 学科 a school subject; a course of study | 4. 攻读 assiduously study; diligently study | 5. 上升 move upward; rise; ascend

The StudY of Chamber Music:室內樂研究

協奏曲研究 The StudY of Concerto 2 2 | 室內樂研究 The StudY of Chamber Music 2 2 | 作曲家研究 The StudY of Composers 2 2

Commercial Fine Art Illustration Study:商业美术插图研究

032031,"招贴广告设计研究 Poster Advertising Design Study" | 032032,"商业美术插图研究 Commercial Fine Art Illustration Study" | 032033,"影视广告研究 Video Advertising Study"

A Cross-Cultural Study of the Chinese and English Etiquette:李晓兰

3. A Cross-Cultural Study of the Strategies to Say "No" 向洪强 | 4. A Cross-Cultural Study of the Chinese and English Etiquette李晓兰 | 6. A Cultural Study of Chinese and English Numbers贾男

retrospective study:回顾性研究

在医疗卫生领域,观察性研究通常可分为横断面研究(cross-sectional study)、回顾性研究(retrospective study)和前瞻性研究(prospective study). 常见的回顾性研究方法有病例对照研究(case control study),常见的前瞻性研究方法有队列研究(cohort study),

good good study dayday up:好好学习,天天向上

: : 好好学习天天向上(GOOD GOOD STUDY DAYDAY UP)的笑话是很久以前: 好好学习天天向上(GOOD GOOD STUDY DAYDAY UP)的笑话是很久以前: 好好学习天天向上(GOOD GOOD STUDY DAYDAY UP)的笑话是很久以前好好学习天天向上(GOOD GOOD STUDY DAYDAY UP)的笑话是很久以前

Case-control study:病例一对照调查

follow-up study/longitudinal study 纵向性随访研究 | case-control study 病例一对照调查 | retrospective study 回顾性调查

independent study; self study:自学

自我保护意识 self-protection awareness | 自学 independent study; self study | 自学考试 exams of independent study

第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Study War
Study Humans
Study People
Let's Go Study
Blue Study

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

