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jejune thought provoking:内容空洞的促人思考的

jaundice dispose favorably使怀偏见好意的处理 | jejune thought provoking内容空洞的促人思考的 | jest solemn utterance玩笑严肃的话

Long for dream:梦里相思

07 永远的微笑 The smile that is forever | 08 梦里相思 Long for dream | 09 雪山盟 Snow solemn pledge

invariantly marvel at:目不暇接,叹为观止

文人墨客famous ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers of various dynasties | 目不暇接,叹为观止invariantly marvel at | 素雅悲壮solemn

quaint painting:安祥的名画

solemn painting 庄严的名画 k 4|*t}o7 | quaint painting 安祥的名画 O3H~|R+^ | basic painting 雄壮的名画 C?I vXPlV

Was ratified this way:就此生效

The solemn contract of a life 生命庄严的契约 | Was ratified this way. 就此生效. | The wealth might disappoint, 财富也许令人失望,

Was ratified this way:得以确立,就是这样

The solemn contract of a Life 生命中庄严的契约 | Was ratified, this way -- 得以确立,就是这样 - | The Wealth might disappoint -- 财富可能令人失望 -

boards carried by retinue during official procession:肅靜

2. 肅靜 suh-jihng, adj., solemnly silent; | 3. 肅靜 suh-jihng, adj., boards carried by retinue during official procession, meaning "silence." | 4. 肅穆 suh-muh, adj., respectful and solemn.

solemn ceremony:隆重的典礼

5741solemna. 庄严的,严肃的,隆重的 | 5742solemn ceremony隆重的典礼 | 5743solemn promise庄严的誓言

solemn promise:庄严的誓言

5742solemn ceremony隆重的典礼 | 5743solemn promise庄严的誓言 | 5744solemn words庄严的话语

solemn words:庄严的话语

5743solemn promise庄严的誓言 | 5744solemn words庄严的话语 | 5745solida. 固体的,结实的,可靠的,实心的; n. 固体

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One Angry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces
Our Solemn Hour

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

