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与 sharp 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a sharp sword:锋利的剑

98a sharp pain剌痛 | 99a sharp sword锋利的剑 | 100a sharp turn急转弯

We came to a sharp turn in the road:我们来到了公路的急转弯处

1. A sharp rise in price. 价格的急剧上涨 | 2. We came to a sharp turn in the road. 我们来到了公路的急转弯处 | 3. We were surprised by the sharp tone of her comments. 她尖锐的评论让我们吃惊

Sharp Guard operation in the Adriatic Sea:在亚得里亚海的严密监视行动

Sharp Co, Ltd, Japan;日本声宝股份有限公司;; | Sharp Guard operation in the Adriatic Sea;在亚得里亚海的严密监视行动;; | sharp odour;剧烈气味;;

Sharp bend:小半径弯头

Sharp 尖的,急剧的,灵敏的,准确的,明显的 | Sharp bend 小半径弯头 | Sharp freezing 快速冻结,低温冻结[在低温库内冻结产品]

sharp drop in the birthrate:少子化

sharp drop 暴跌 | sharp drop in the birthrate 少子化 | sharp ear hook 锐耳用钩

sharp eyespot:纹枯病

纹枯病:sharp eyespot | 尖锐边:sharp edge | 锐器伤:sharp injuries

sharp eyespot of wheat:小麦纹枯病

小麦纹枯病:wheat sharp eyespot | 小麦纹枯病:sharp eyespot of wheat | 矩形薄壁堰:rectangle sharp-crested weir

Sharp freezing:快速冻结,低温冻结[在低温库内冻结产品]

Sharp bend 小半径弯头 | Sharp freezing 快速冻结,低温冻结[在低温库内冻结产品] | Sharp freezing room 急冻间

Sharp freezing:低温冻结

sharp freezer 快速冻结机代温冻结装置 | sharp freezing 低温冻结 | sharp iron 捻缝尖刀

Sharp freezing:速冻

sharp flavour 刺鼻气味 | sharp freezing 速冻 | sharp line 清晰(谱)线

第1/67页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Momma, Look Sharp
Sharp Practice
The Sharp Hint Of New Tears
Fix Up, Look Sharp
Bright Bulbs And Sharp Tools
Look Sharp!
Get Sharp
Sharp Cutting Wings (Song To A Poet)
So Sharp
Sharp As A Razor

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

