英语人>网络解释>or 相关的网络解释
与 or 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sink or swim , swim or drown:进退沉浮

Or beat countdown或者被击败 | Sink or swim, swim or drown进退沉浮 | Can you see the gap between right and wrong你能看到正确和错误的区别吗

to learn to or start to do sth:开始做(某项工作);开始从事

to fill or use an amount of space or time 占用(时间);占据(空间) | to learn to or start to do sth 开始做(某项工作);开始从事 | to accept sth. that is offered or available 接受(建议或能得到的东西)

Synovectomy or/and capsulectomy-shoulder elbow, wrist or ankle:滑膜切除术或关节囊切除术- 肩关节、肘关节、腕关节或踝关节

滑膜切除术或关节囊切除术- 膝关节 Synovectomy or/... | 滑膜切除术或关节囊切除术- 肩关节、肘关节、腕关节或踝关节Synovectomy or/and capsulectomy-shoulder elbow, wrist or ankle | 滑膜切除术或关节囊切除术- 指...

acrimonious - bitter and sharp in language or tone; mean-spirited:(辛辣,刻薄)

39) acrid - biting or harsh in odor or taste; deeply or violently bitter... | 40) acrimonious - bitter and sharp in language or tone; mean-spirited; (辛辣,刻薄) | 42) acute - sharp; shrewd; severe (尖锐...

obscure: of undistinguished or humble station or reputation:身份卑微的

dash: to splash; bespatter 泼溅 | obscure: of undistinguished or humble station or reputation 身份卑微的 | conventionality: the state, quality or character of being conventional 惯例,俗套,老一套

insubstantial lacking firmness or solidity; weak or unsatisfying:不牢固的;脆弱的;薄弱的

insolvent not solvent; not having money to pay what on... | insubstantial lacking firmness or solidity; weak or unsatisfying:不牢固的;脆弱的;薄弱的 | interpretation the act or the result of interpretin...

The moon is bright or dim and she wax or wane:月有阴晴圆缺

人有悲欢离合, Men have sorrow and joy; they part or meet again; | 月有阴晴圆缺, The moon is bright or dim and she wax or wane. | 此事古难全. There has nothing perfect since the olden days.

or whenever:或其他什么时候,或随便什么时候

Anyone seen carrying bags, boxes, or whatever, was stopped by the police. 警察看见... | 2. or whenever 或其他什么时候,或随便什么时候 | He might come on Monday, or Tuesday, or whenever. 他也许星期一来,也...

or wherever:或其他类似地方,或随便什么地方

He might come on Monday, or Tuesday, or whenever. 他也许星期一来,也许星期二来... | 3. or wherever 或其他类似地方,或随便什么地方 | You may hear the song at home, at school, or wherever. 在家,在学校或随便...

Or whoever:或者其他什么人,或者随便谁

You may hear the song at home, at school, or wherever. 在家,在学校... | 4. or whoever 或者其他什么人,或者随便谁 | When you're done with the book, just give it to Mary or Shelley or whoever. 当你看完这本...

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Ready Or Not
Come Rain Or Come Shine
Sooner Or Later
Should I Laugh Or Cry
One Or The Other
All Or Nothing
Guns Or' Us
All Or Nothing (Single Version)
Hell Or High Water
Heads Or Tails? Real Or Not

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy