英语人>网络解释>or 相关的网络解释
与 or 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Or... or maybe boxing day:或者... 可能是拳击之夜

So is that christmas eve? Or are we talking new year's eve?|那是平安夜? 还是说新年... | Or... or maybe boxing day?|或者... 可能是拳击之夜? | You have any kopi luwak back there?|你有 kopi luwak(鲁哇克咖啡...

bratty: trash: Worthless or offensive literary or artistic material:拙劣的文艺作品:没有价值的或令人不快的文学或艺术作品

no way: In no way or degree; nowise.一点也不;... | bratty: trash: Worthless or offensive literary or artistic material.拙劣的文艺作品:没有价值的或令人不快的文学或艺术作品 | gotta: have got to 不得不......

Cadmus or Kadmos:卡德漠斯-选自王以欣《神话>

Cadmilus or Kadmilos or Kasmilos or Kamilos卡德米罗斯-选自王以欣> | Cadmus or Kadmos卡德漠斯-选自王以欣> | Caelius,Rome 锡利阿斯山,罗马

checkbook OR cheque-book OR chequebook:支票薄

chequebook OR checkbook 支票本 | checkbook OR cheque-book OR chequebook 支票薄 | counterfoil 支票存根

chequebook OR checkbook:支票本

check OR cheque 支票 | chequebook OR checkbook 支票本 | checkbook OR cheque-book OR chequebook 支票薄

conventionality: the state, quality or character of being conventional:惯例,俗套,老一套

obscure: of undistinguished or humble station or reputation 身... | conventionality: the state, quality or character of being conventional 惯例,俗套,老一套 | mortal: of or relating to humankind; human ...

Default on dividend or interest payments, or loan repayments:未能按时还本付息

High gearing and/or borrowing in excess of limits杠杆比率高/突破举债限额 | Default on dividend or interest payments, or loan repayments未能按时还本付息 | Excessive levels of current assets流动资产过高

Dionysia or carnival:狂欢节

Easter Sunday or Easter day 复活节 | Dionysia or carnival 狂欢节 | Allhallowmas or Hallowmasall or saints' day 万圣节

Duplicate filename or file not found:文件名重复或文件找不到

Drive type or diskettes type not compatible 驱动器类型或磁盘类型不... | Duplicate filename or file not found 文件名重复或文件找不到 | Entry has a bad attrbute (or size or link) 目录项含有错误的属性(长度...

early or late:迟早

其中一个数字起着中间参照的作用,我们可以把它叫做参照数字.听清参照数字和其他数字之间的关系是解题的关键,而体现它们关系的词往往是表示多少(more or less)、迟早(early or late)、快慢(fast or slow)、前后(before or behind或表示倍数(double,

第5/100页 首页 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Ready Or Not
Come Rain Or Come Shine
Sooner Or Later
Should I Laugh Or Cry
One Or The Other
All Or Nothing
Guns Or' Us
All Or Nothing (Single Version)
Hell Or High Water
Heads Or Tails? Real Or Not

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy