英语人>网络解释>master 相关的网络解释

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与 master 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Master Programme in Applied Mechanics:(应用力学硕士)

Master Programme in Advanced Engineering Materials(高级材料工程硕士) 2 | Master Programme in Applied Mechanics(应用力学硕士) 2 | Master Programme in Applied Physics(应用物理学硕士) 2

Master of studies specialized in catechesis and pastoral:经文教理和牧歌

6. Master of studies specialized in cartography and teledet... | 7. Master of studies specialized in catechesis and pastoral 经文教理和牧歌 | 8. Master of studies specialized in multi-media communicati...

master control board:主控制板

master contrast controller 主对比度控制器 | master control board 主控制板 | master control switch 主控开关

master control board:主控板

master control automation 主控自动化 | master control board 主控板 | master control circuit 主控线路

master control board:主控制台

master control automation 主控自动化 | master control board 主控制台 | master control circuit 主控线路

master control board:主控版

主中央计时系统 master central timing system | 主控版 master control board | 主控程序 master control program

master control desk:中央控制台

master control 中央控制室 | master control desk 中央控制台 | master control room 中央控制室

Master Duellist Badge: Earned the Master Duellist Badge:获得决斗大师徽章

Master Potioneer: Earn the Master Potioneer Badge. 获得魔药大... | Master Duellist Badge: Earned the Master Duellist Badge. 获得决斗大师徽章 | Master of Flying: Earn the Master of Flying Badge. 获得飞行...

Master Duellist Badge (50) - Earn the Master Duellist Badge:获得决斗大师徽章

Keen Flyer Badge (20) - Earn the Keen Flyer Badge 获得Kee... | Master Duellist Badge (50) - Earn the Master Duellist Badge 获得决斗大师徽章 | Master of Flying (50) - Earn the Master of Flying Badge 获得...

Master of Creative Writing:创造性写作

Master of Commerce and Master of Professional Accounting商务学与职业会计双学位 | Master of Creative Writing 创造性写作 | Master of Criminology犯罪学

第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee
Master Of Eyes (The Deepness Of Your Eyes)
The Toy Master
Master Of Ceremony
Master Teacher
My Lord And Master
Master Of None
Satan Is My Master
You Are The Master

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

