英语人>网络解释>malicious 相关的网络解释

查询词典 malicious

与 malicious 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

with malice aforethought:蓄意犯罪

malice 怨恨,恶意 | with malice aforethought 蓄意犯罪 | malicious 怀恶意的

All the rage:流行

commiserate怜悯, 同情 | all the rage流行 | malicious hackers存心不良的电脑

arrogantly self-importantly, betraying a belief in one's own superiority:(骄傲自大的, 傲慢无礼的)

malicious solely to harm others (怀恶意的, 恶毒的) | arrogantly self-importantly, betraying a belief in one's own superiority (骄傲自大的, 傲慢无礼的) | menacing threatening (威胁的, 险恶的)


22 简报中频繁地使用当我们谈到安全时,经常会使用到的其它字眼,像是"攻击"(attack)、 "恶意的代码"(malicious code)、 "欺骗"(spoofing)以及"可信赖的"(trusted).

MALU Multimedia Authoring Language for UNIX:用于UNIX的多媒体写作语言

MALCT MALicious Call Tracing 恶意呼叫追踪 | MALU Multimedia Authoring Language for UNIX 用于UNIX的多媒体写作语言 | MAM Media Access Mode 媒质存取模式

monk, bonze:和尚

恶毒的 evil-minded,felonious,malicious,villainous | 和尚 monk, bonze | 神秘的 mysterious,unsearchable

reveller:a celebrant who shares in a noisy party:(醉酒狂欢者)

haunted: inhabited or frequented by ghosts(闹鬼的,鬼魂... | reveller:a celebrant who shares in a noisy party(醉酒狂欢者) | vandalism;deliberately mischievous or malicious destruction or damage of prope...

malicious and untruthful propaganda:恶意的虚假宣传的借口

But that's absolutely no excuse for that sort of...|但这绝... | ...malicious and untruthful propaganda.|恶意的虚假宣传的借口 | Anyway, I can see, you're far more in need of responsible advice...|不管怎样...


118. 慈善的,仁慈的:charitable,humanitarian,philanthropist,benevolent,beneficent | 119. 恶毒的:malicious,villainous,virulent | 120. 敏锐的:acute,astute,sharp

Malicious Process Blocking:阻止恶意进程

Advanced Packet Filtering先进的数据包过滤 | Malicious Process Blocking阻止恶意进程 | System Anomaly Intelligence系统异常情报

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absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

