英语人>网络解释>hunt 相关的网络解释
与 hunt 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Not a fox hunt:星期天?去做什么?不会是打狐狸吧

Yes,and I'll see you on Sunday at the estate.|星期... | Oh,great. Sunday? What's Sunday? Not a fox hunt?|星期天?去做什么?不会是打狐狸吧 | (CHUCKLlNG) No. No,Dad. I'll explain it to you later.|不是啦,爸...

What kind of idiot are you? Not a fox hunt:你算是哪种傻瓜? "不会是打狐狸吧

Hey,come,child.|来吧,孩子 | What kind of idiot are you? Not a fox hunt?|你算是哪种傻瓜? "不会是打狐狸吧"? | I'd like to talk to these people in their own terms.|我喜欢用这些人的术语和他们说话

Oh,great. Sunday? What's Sunday? Not a fox hunt:星期天?去做什么?不会是打狐狸吧

Yes,and I'll see you on Sunday at the estate.|星期... | Oh,great. Sunday? What's Sunday? Not a fox hunt?|星期天?去做什么?不会是打狐狸吧 | (CHUCKLlNG) No. No,Dad. I'll explain it to you later.|不是啦,爸...

hunt down:追捕

23. dental a. 牙齒的 | 24. unmatched a. 無與倫比的 | 1. hunt down... 追捕......

hunt down:穷追猛打

house to house fighting巷战 | hunt down穷追猛打 | identification of friend or foe(飞机)敌我识别

hunt down:穷追到底(一直到捕获为止)

house arrest软禁 | hunt down穷追到底(一直到捕获为止) | illegal不合法的

Must" hunt down Daniel's babe:绝对"要找到Daniel的女人]

I really--I need you to find out who she is, okay? [我真的-- 需要 你去搞清楚她是谁,... | "Must" hunt down Daniel's babe. ["绝对"要找到Daniel的女人] | Whatever Bradford Meade does, [不管Bradford Meade怎...

And hunt down everyone in the walls:猎杀着高墙内的人们

一切异象吞噬着秩序 The ominous scenes destroy the order | 猎杀着高墙内的人们 And hunt down everyone in the walls | 挑战亘古不变的权威 To challange a forevermore aythority

Hunt sb down:穷追直至抓获

By any chance 万一 | Hunt sb down 穷追直至抓获 | Package deal 一揽子交易

Hunt sb down:对穷追到底

set sb. up 算计... | hunt sb. down 对穷追到底 | murder charge 谋杀罪

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Hunt Them Down
The Hunt
We Like To Hunt
The Hunt
Hunt The Self
Witch Hunt
Billy Hunt
That Dog Won't Hunt
Hunt Hunt Hunt




clue /线索/端倪/ | clues /线索/绪/ | clumb /严重冒顶/

Gunslinger Girl:神枪少女

>(GUNSLINGER GIRL)当初买下这部作品的台版漫画却一直没时间看,近几天才想起翻开看看. 平时也没什么时间,早晨上班路上的一个多小时是拿来看漫画的理想选择. 快到站而合上漫画之前,看完了欢乐颂这一话.