英语人>网络解释>each 相关的网络解释
与 each 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

and each day, his eagle pecked out the poor man's liver:每天,他的鹰都会来啄食这可怜人的肝脏

...he chained Prometheus to a rock in the gre... | ...and each day, his eagle pecked out the poor man's liver.|每天,他的鹰都会来啄食这可怜人的肝脏 | Each night, it grew back again so that it could be e...

Each careful step along the byway:孤身一人在小道上时我会小心的走每一步

I planned each charted course 我计划好每一次行程 | Each careful step along the byway 孤身一人在小道上时我会小心的走每一步 | But more, much more than this 但是更多,更多于此的是

Each careful step along the byway:小心翼翼的走好每一条路

I planned each charted course 我计划好每一次行程 | Each careful step along the byway 小心翼翼的走好每一条路 | But more, much more than this 但比这更重要的是

Each careful step along the byway:还有偏僻小道的每一小步

I planned each charted course; 我曾计划好每一次行程 | Each careful step along the byway, 还有偏僻小道的每一小步 | Oh, and more, much more than this, 但比这更重要的是

Each careful step along the byway:小心翼翼走好每一条小径

I planned each charted course 我计划好每一次的旅程 | Each careful step along the byway 小心翼翼走好每一条小径 | and more, much more than this 但比这更重要的是

Each careful step along the by way:每一个细微的脚步

I planned each charted course; 我规划过每一段人生, | Each careful step along the by way, 每一个细微的脚步, | and more, much more than this, 而更重要的是,

Each careful step along the by way:孤身一人走在小道上 我小心翼翼 走好每步

I planned each chartered course 每段特别的路 我三思而行 | Each careful step along the by-way 孤身一人走在小道上 我小心翼翼 走好每步 | And more much more than this 但是 更要紧的是

Each careful step along the by way:孤身一人在小道上时我会小心的走每一步

I planned each chartered course 我计划好每一次行程 | Each careful step along the by-way 孤身一人在小道上时我会小心的走每一步 | And more much more than this 但是更多,更多于此的是

Each careful step along the by way:每一个沿途的陡阶

I planned each chartered course我曾设想过每一个特殊的阶段 | Each careful step along the by-way每一个沿途的陡阶 | And more much more than this或者比这个更多

And the man and woman who courted each other:男人和女人相互求爱

They helped them on with their coats, they opened the doors for them.|男人帮助女人穿外套,为女人开... | And the man and woman who courted each other,|男人和女人相互求爱 | they married each other.|两厢情愿

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To Each His Own
May Each Day
Hurting Each Other
You Each Time
That's Why We Call Each Other Baby
Living Each Day Like You're Already Dead
Living Each Day Like You're Already Dead
Being At War With Each Other
Keep Each Other Warm
We Are Each Other




clue /线索/端倪/ | clues /线索/绪/ | clumb /严重冒顶/

Gunslinger Girl:神枪少女

>(GUNSLINGER GIRL)当初买下这部作品的台版漫画却一直没时间看,近几天才想起翻开看看. 平时也没什么时间,早晨上班路上的一个多小时是拿来看漫画的理想选择. 快到站而合上漫画之前,看完了欢乐颂这一话.