英语人>网络解释>each 相关的网络解释
与 each 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


3. 因为前面已经说了这2个小偷是分别(separately)逃出镇外,那么后面就应该说每人都怎样怎样. 所以选择each.

A sequacious pattern which once fitted so snug:一个紧密拼合的卑贱的模型

- A human jigsaw to make whole --人肉线切组合完整 | A sequacious pattern which once fitted so snug 一个紧密拼合的卑贱的模型 | - Joining together each dubious lump --每一个含混的肿块拼合到一起

Scene Set Up:摆台布置

每桌赠饮红酒二瓶 Complimentary Two Bottle of Red Wine for Each Table | 摆台布置 Scene Set Up | 婚宴会场布置 Function Room Set Up

We shadow box and double cross:我们尾随他却被他欺骗

Face to face, each classic case 面对面,每一次都这么老练 | We shadow box and double cross 我们尾随他却被他欺骗 | Yet need the chase 却仍然追逐着他

Natural Bristle Shaving Brush:天然刮胡刷

洞察 Insight Chakra Blend - Third Eye 12ml 150 | Natural Bristle Shaving Brush 天然刮胡刷 each ¥65 | Bay Rum Shaving Soap 香味剃须皂 100g ¥109

to shine:照

具 tool; device; utensil; instrument | 照 according to; in accordance with; to shine; illuminate | 相 each other; mutually; reciprocal, picture; appearance; minister

go to shopping malls:去大卖场

32相互谈话很高兴 have a great time talking to each other | 33去大卖场 go to shopping malls | 34在回家的路上 on the way home

We shouldn't:我们 呃... 还没... 我是说 发展到

The roar of the engine. It just, tickles me.|引擎的咆哮声让我浑身兴奋 | We shouldn't, uh, stare... I mean, share stories...|我们 呃... 还没... 我是说 发展到... | to each other at all.|那种地步吧

They shouldn'T:他们没有这个义务

They won't trust each other,and they won't trust you.|他们不会再相互... | They shouldn'T.|他们没有这个义务 | Deception like this is just one step removed from actively sabotaging one another.|这样的行为...

But you'll have to do it like a real cowboy, none of that sidesaddle stuff:但要跟牛仔一样 不能侧坐

Then we'll ride horses on the beach, right in the sur... | But you'll have to do it like a real cowboy, none of that sidesaddle stuff.|但要跟牛仔一样 不能侧坐 | -You mean, one leg on each side? -Yeah.|...

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To Each His Own
May Each Day
Hurting Each Other
You Each Time
That's Why We Call Each Other Baby
Living Each Day Like You're Already Dead
Living Each Day Like You're Already Dead
Being At War With Each Other
Keep Each Other Warm
We Are Each Other




clue /线索/端倪/ | clues /线索/绪/ | clumb /严重冒顶/

Gunslinger Girl:神枪少女

>(GUNSLINGER GIRL)当初买下这部作品的台版漫画却一直没时间看,近几天才想起翻开看看. 平时也没什么时间,早晨上班路上的一个多小时是拿来看漫画的理想选择. 快到站而合上漫画之前,看完了欢乐颂这一话.