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与 bright 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bright fringe:明亮干涉条纹

bright field image明场像 | bright fringe明亮干涉条纹 | bright ground wire光亮磨光钢丝

bright spot anomaly:亮点异常

bright reflection 强反射 | bright spot anomaly 亮点异常 | bright spot 亮点


bright 明亮的 | bright-eyed 眼睛明亮的 | bright-light district 都市的娱乐区


Bright's disease | 布赖特氏病,肾小球肾炎 | bright-eyed | 眼睛明亮的,热情的 | bright-light district | 都市的娱乐区

bright luster:镜面光泽,镜面光泽

bright light iron hinge 薄铁铰链 | bright luster 镜面光泽,镜面光泽 | bright luster sheet 光亮钢板

bright blue:鲜蓝

Bright azalea 鲜杜鹃色 | Bright blue 鲜蓝 | Bright color 明亮色,鲜亮色

bright blue:亮蓝色

bright bar光亮冷拔棒材 | bright blue亮蓝色 | bright coating光亮镀层、光亮涂层

bright red:鲜红

bright greenish blue 浅葱色 | bright red 鲜红 | bright yellow green 鲜黄绿

bright red:鲜红,大红

Bright mauve 淡紫红色 | Bright red 鲜红,大红 | Bright rose 鲜玫瑰色

Bright Dip:辉面浸渍

bright coal 辉煤 | bright dip 辉面浸渍 | bright etching 光亮蚀刻

第1/88页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Great Bright Morning
Bright Lights Black Leather
Bright Light Fright
Bright Young Thing
Bright Lights (Fly)
Heaven's Bright Shore
Bright Sunny South
Lady Bright
Bright Lights, Big City
The Bright Lights Of America

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

