英语人>网络解释>and 相关的网络解释
与 and 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arts and science:文理 bow and arrow弓箭

aches and pains痛苦 | arts and science文理 bow and arrow弓箭 | crack and roar咆哮

不,你的帽子和大衣都在我这里. (both...and 和):Yes,I have both your hat and your coat

114. Don't you have my hat? 你没拿我的帽子吧? | 115. Yes,I have both your hat and your coat.不,你的帽子和大衣都在我这里. (both...and 和) | 116. Does John have a yellow pencil? 约翰有一支黄铅笔吗?

a cock-and-bull story:无稽之谈;荒诞的故事. cock-and-bull adj.荒唐的

20. cat's paw. 被人当爪牙利用的人;受人愚弄的人. paw爪子 | 21. a cock-and-bull story.无稽之谈;荒诞的故事. cock-and-bull adj.荒唐的 | 22. cock-a-hoop.(俚)得意扬扬;自鸣得意. hoop铁环

公正 far and away远离:fair and square

drunk and sober酒汉与清醒者 | fair and square公正 far and away远离 | far and near远近

首先 first and last先后:first and foremost

far and near远近 | first and foremost首先 first and last先后 | free and easy轻松自在

互谅互让 give-and-take 互相迁就:mutual understanding and mutual accommodation

mutually respect and love 互敬互爱 | mutual understanding and mutual accommodation; 互谅互让 give-and-take 互相迁就 | multifarious; miscellaneous; of a wide variety; rich in variety 五花八门

more and more children:越来越多的孩子(more and more wonderful越来越美好)

103.go faster and faster 走得越来越快 | 105.more and more children 越来越多的孩子(more and more wonderful越来越美好) | 106.come along=come with sb.跟上来

重量与尺寸 pick and choose选择:weight and measures

past and present过去与现在 | weight and measures重量与尺寸 pick and choose选择 | profit and loss盈亏

vice and virtue:罪恶与美德 ways and means方法

ups and downs盛衰 | vice and virtue罪恶与美德 ways and means方法 | wear and tear磨损

挥金如土,打水漂 hem and haw(k) n.支支吾吾:ducks and drakes n

box and cox a.轮流交替的 | ducks and drakes n.挥金如土,打水漂 hem and haw(k) n.支支吾吾 | huff and puff n.恫吓,暴怒,咆哮

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Me And Bobby And Bobby's Brother
On And On And On
And Roses And Roses
Names And Dates And Times
Now And Forever (You And Me)
Bats And Rats And Murderers
Doom And Gloom And Doom And Gloom
Rock Me Again And Again And Again And Again And Again And Again (Six Times)
Maggie And Milly And Molly And May
Out And In And In And Out

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

