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与 affection 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mothers as a matter of course have much affection for their children:母亲自然地很疼爱孩子

He arrived in this country six years ago without... | Mothers as a matter of course have much affection for their children.^母亲自然地很疼爱孩子. | As a matter of fact he isn't really satisfied with t...


(reaction)和"认知" (cognition),"情感"(affection)等心理活动的过程. 心理过程一般有两个参加者,一个是心理活动的主体即"感觉者" (senser),另一个是客体即被感知的"现象" (phenomenon). 关系过程指的是一个物体(人、物、情形、事件等)与另一个物体处于何种关系的过程,


惟有"爱"(affection),尤其是"仁爱"(benevolence)可以促进对自我的真正关怀和对它人的关怀. 虽然蒲脱勒慑于"热情",...

Affection of sebaceous gland; Steatopathy:皮脂腺病

Affection of prostate; Prostatopathy 前列腺病 | Affection of sebaceous gland; Steatopathy 皮脂腺病 | Affection of smell; Olfactory affection 嗅觉病

truehearted affection:真心实意的爱情

● 牢固深厚的爱情 deepseated affection | ● 真心实意的爱情 truehearted affection | ● 永恒的爱情 an undying affection

His affection for his wife continued unabated:他对妻子的爱情不减

● 他对妻子的爱情转移了. His affections were turned from his wife. | ● 他对妻子的爱情不减. His affection for his wife continued unabated. | ● 她丈夫的爱情淡薄了. Her husband's affection waned.

Affection of infraspinous muscle:冈下肌病

Affection of horny layer 角质层病 | Affection of infraspinous muscle 冈下肌病 | Affection of nailbed 爪床病

Her husband's affection waned:她丈夫的爱情淡薄了

● 他对妻子的爱情不减. His affection for his wife continued unabated. | ● 她丈夫的爱情淡薄了. Her husband's affection waned. | ● 爱人 husband; wife

Droops affection:垂度效应

地域情缘:regioreal nuLual affection | 垂度效应:Droops affection | 学习效应:learning affection

deepseated affection:牢固深厚的爱情

● 受过创伤的爱情 wounded love | ● 牢固深厚的爱情 deepseated affection | ● 真心实意的爱情 truehearted affection

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PDA (Public Display Of Affection)
True Affection
Bottled Affection
Object Of My Affection
Love And Affection
Show Me Some Affection
Beggin' For Affection
The Object Of My Affection

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子