英语人>网络例句>音乐般的 相关的搜索结果


与 音乐般的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is a dreamy detail, and a very smooth blue tone to the sound that envelops one in a dreamscape, if one would only allow it.


An evening of intimacy and sweet melodies. Heartflow features former ICRT DJ Lily C and her musical partner Don Fraser. Together they present songs from their hearts. Think Frente meets Jewel meets Sarah McLachlan.

双人组重唱团体"心流,是"前ICRT主持人莉莉C和她的音乐夥伴石文合,用美声与诚挚的感情来诠释属音乐的温馨甜蜜组合,那种音乐感觉就好像Frente遇见茱儿和Sarah Mclachlan 一般的美丽邂逅艳遇。。。。。。。。

AURORA Matouqin Orchestra is different from other music team that they promote their own music discs (manufactured by Beijing Tianyishengshi international culture media AURORA Orchestra) by mise en scene, meanwhile, they also plan and participate in culture communications and


AURORA Matouqin Orchestra is different from other music team that they promote their own music discs (manufactured by Beijing Tianyishengshi international culture media AURORA Orchestra) by mise en scene, meanwhile, they also plan and participate in culture communications and business performs.


On March 12, 2008 zero hour, sit before beloved computer, the SPA that puts wife fumes popular music - below the leaf murmurous, light a cigarette, hearing the indistinct frog song in music, mind is a bit absentminded, feeling also is like the music like that sounds of nature, flow slowly drip to come


At the other end of the spectrum,"Any Other World" is a gently rousing ballad that wouldn't be out of place at the emotional zenith of an Andrew Lloyd-Webber musical - big cellos and lots of female 'aaaahs' supporting Mika's soft, warm tones.After this, the album heads back up a notch, back to what Mika does best - upbeat, poppy, all-singing, all-dancing, big-band tracks with "Big Girl" and "Stuck In The Middle", before finishing with the lovely, piano-led "Happy Ending".

想象一下当年Scissor Sisters走红的歌曲Comfortably Numb,Relax, Take It Easy是一首原创的Comfortably Numb,虽然不是专辑的第二单曲,单曲已经出现了英国下载排行榜上了,放下了华丽的外衣的是My Interpretation,Daniel Powter一般的抒情歌曲,没有美轮美奂的假声,没有复杂的电子,有的只是比较真诚的原来的Mika,Lollipop则更加像是一首音乐剧的歌曲,中速的节奏,catchy的旋律,咬字有特别的清晰,Mika的音乐从某种意义上说是一种做秀,他把一切能够的元素都运用起来,比如在Any Other World中,弦乐让你的心跳加速,而歌曲的环境又像是Mad World一般的黑暗,结尾的Happy Ending同样不容错过。

Is a powerful aural mix of club, commercial, and street style beats, all of it straight from the heart of Hong Kong. Ghost Style stretches his lyrical reach even further with 'M.I.C.', waxing lyrical on topics ranging from the chemistry lathered streets of Hong Kong to the territory's politics, bad boys, party girls, and just about anything else worth keeping real in HK. Ghost Style calls these slices of HK life aural movies his 'exaggerated fiction', and his vocal range – from crispy kid to low-key baritone – brings his stories to life. With his instantly recognizable voice, potent lyrics and shards of brilliance, Ghost Style remains the name to remember in Hip Hop on this side of the Pacific Rim.

音乐盛宴,弥漫着商业元素与街头风格,正带着浓浓的Ghost Style味道Ghost Style发挥他的作词天赋,用流畅如水一般的歌词描述着各种主题,在香港街头掀起如泡沫般化学效应政治话题,小混混,夜店流莺,各种香港地下的真实场面被描述得淋漓尽致Ghost Style把这些香港社会的剪影称作是他&夸张的虚构&,他的音域可以从清脆的小屁孩腔转到低沉磁性的男中音,唱着这些如他自己生活一般的点滴故事他的声音那么特殊,以至于过耳难忘,尖刻的歌词打破天真的幻想,Ghost Style这个名字,在嘻哈界早已传到大洋彼岸

What's more, the songs for children are: I Am Eager to Get, A Girl in Beijing, I Am Seventeen Years Old, which focus on the children's life and mood, sincerely and cordially; the songs singings for history and its characters are: the Romantic History of Three Kingdoms, Wen Yi-to; the musical works which reflect social reality are: the Fired Paradise, the Times of Feelings; some works which praise beautiful natural landscapes and culture relics are: Tashi Island Paranoia, Guge Kingdom's Ruins.


With whistling winds and music of the waves,the large imperious waves


But intermingled with that thought there was another--there was the thought of her lovely face, her bewitching manner, her arch smile, her low musical laugh, which was like a peal of silvery bells ringing across a broad expanse of flat pasture, and a rippling river in the misty summer evening.


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Do not gum up the work by telling mother what we are going to do .


In recent years, application of the partial prestressed concrete beam s is developed.


Gorky once said:"If it is not a book, I'd be stupid and indecent drowning."
