英语人>网络例句>铲平 相关的搜索结果


与 铲平 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the traditional experimentation of farming , we must do scarification,shoveling, pressing respectively.So the time between every two working procedure is long,the efficiency is low,and it will also expand a large number of the labour force.In order to work out this problem ,we should create a new kind of machine.It can take the place of men.


In the traditional experimentation of farming , we must do scarification,shoveling, pressing respectively.So the time between every two working procedure is long,the efficiency is low,and it will also expand a large number of the labour force.

毕业论文字数:10579 页数:14 带图纸任务书)摘要:传统的耕作试验需要单独进行松土、铲平、压实、旋耕等工序,各工序的间隔时间较长,效率较低,而且要消耗大量的劳动力,为了解决这一问题,我们迫切的需。。。

In the traditional experimentation of farming , we must do scarification,shoveling, pressing respectively.So the time between every two working procedure is long,the efficiency is low,and it will also expand a large number of the labour force.In order to work out this problem ,we should create a new kind of machine.It can take the place of men.High-speed digital multifunctional soil bin carriage is one equipment which can acord with these requirements.

毕业论文字数:10579 页数:14 带图纸任务书)摘要:传统的耕作试验需要单独进行松土、铲平、压实、旋耕等工序,各工序的间隔时间较长,效率较低,而且要消耗大量的劳动力,为了解决这一问题,我们迫切的需要研制出一种新型的机械设备,用它来代替人力。

The ideal values of the urban drops from divine spiritual fields to common customs, the holy temples, former urban's spiritual symbolics are replaced by skyscrapers, pillars, speedways and intersections.


The axe helps all of the positive 倾s to help at this time of dint the nasty desire root out unique don't the ground of the income sphere of influence head, do not anticipate that ground to lie two grand uncles of weak in character husband whom the tiger hides a fatty old woman of fatty hooligan landlady of dragon-痴 to plus to become contrast with it, lead a class of embed gastight 武 Lin's superior, big exhibition strange 功 remarkable talent, resist bad influence.


After the unforgettably initial shock, he remembered the promise he had made to his son:"No matter what, I ll always be there for you!"


Around the same time, several governments began bulldozing the remnants of collapsed schools, closing the door on any chance to collect further evidence.


Early this year the Chinese government undertook a bold step: They began systematically bulldozing the Old City block by block and moving the inhabitants into a new compound on the edge of town.


The only noise comes from a bulldozer smoothing the coal-mound and the cawing of rooks.


I think the Plank exercise is very good to flatten stomach as a change after we do some crunches.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
