英语人>网络例句>重新武装 相关的搜索结果


与 重新武装 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The cost of leaving is harder to measure but is probably larger: the return of the Taliban to power; an Afghan civil war; the utter destabilisation of nuclear-armed Pakistan; the restoration of al-Qaeda's Afghan haven; the emboldening of every jihadist in the world; and the weakening of the West's friends.


Naim Qassem also claimed that the organization has not fast-tracked the rearming of its paramilitary force because it still holds a very large arsenal of missiles.


The heads of five leading European governments plus the EU's current president, a Czech, visited Egypt and Israel to stress their determination to stop Hamas rearming.


Israel's goals were to destroy Hamas' ability to launch rockets at civilians in southern Israel and to prevent the group from rearming, by sealing off tunnels that Hamas had used to smuggle weapons into Gaza.


Despite the military overtones of Thursday's visit, and Mr. Cheney's reputation for bluntness, there was less talk from officials of rearming Georgia's shattered military or establishing new regional security measures.


It has harbored Al Qaeda operatives fleeing across its border from Afghanistan. It sent 50 tons of arms to the Palestinian Authority and continues to finance the murderous Palestinian Islamic Jihad. It may also be rearming Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

伊朗还曾庇护基地组织成员越境逃离阿富汗、向巴勒斯坦当局运送50吨的武器并继续资助凶残的巴勒斯坦穆斯林 JIHAD ,或许还重新武装了南黎巴嫩的 HEZBOLLAH。

Vista limits maximum number of rearms each installed system to 3, thus user can use Vista for free for up to 120 days if user rearm to reset the trial period (each Vista installation allows 30 days license-free evaluation period) when activation countdown grade period has 0 days or close to 0 days left.


Brazilian sectors such as agribusiness, construction and oil and gas, now retooled with imported capital goods, are thriving; others, such as footwear and textiles, are suffering the world over.


It is because the Nazi leaders at that time have more important intentions at home and abroad. In interior politics, they aim at eliminating all the other political parties, establishing the Nazi dictatorship and accomplishing the"integration"of all the German people and the country mechanisms. In economy, they try to get rid of the economic crisis, provide enough job opportunities, and develop the armament industry. In diplomacy, they break loose the bondage of"Marseille contract,"rearm their army and reoccupy the lost territories, annex Austria and Sudeten, occupy strong points and prepare all the possible favorable conditions for launching the war for"Lebensraum."


Several thousand of the militiamen, it is feared, have returned to arms and to crime.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
