英语人>网络例句>逆向的 相关的搜索结果


与 逆向的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper discussed the application of EIA in reverse logistics, including evaluation of environmental performance that reverse l...


Medical Jurisprudence should implement justice in medicine, finish the preliminary discipline construction in the retrorse, reversed, and injustice discrimination, normative the new law and moral order, and shoulder the historical duty by reflecting on the current disasters and plagues.


This sort of idealism is just the reverse of that which was held by the philosophers of antiquity and their Christian successors; it does away with the reality of ideal principles by confining them exclusively to the thinking subject; it is a spurious idealism which deserves rather the name "phenomenalism"(phenomenon,"appearance", as opposed to noumenon,"the object of thought").

这种唯心主义仅仅是个逆向的那举行,由哲学家,仿古和他们的基督教接班人,它摒弃了现实的理想原则局限於他们专门为思维主体,它是一种似是而非的唯心论,值得宁愿命名为" phenomenalism "(现象,"外观",作为反对本体,"对象思想")。

This essay is a detailed analysis over the special features of reverse tax-avoidanceconducted by foreign businessmen and its damage to China's economy, followed by a proposal ofsome counter-measures thereagainst.


After I came back to my working unit and familiar circle, every thing became strange to me. Many things I used to feel comfortable with became uncomfortable to me.


Lundborg G. Structure and function of the intraneural microvessels as related to trauma, edema formation, and nerve function.


In a design-time, beautification of the commodities, commodity, implementation, the value of goods to satisfy the different levels of spending requirements for this, use a unique understanding of the way of thinking and innovative thinking mode education、adverse students'thinking, multiangular design, but not restricted to a particular way.


The following results have been obtained: 1 Expression of SbNHX1 in E. coli enhanced Na+ and K+ tolerances, but not to others; 2 The sequence from 1353-1514bp in SbNHX1 gene played a role for SbNHX1 to Na+ and K+ tolerances; 3 The Na+/H+ antiporter of Salicornia Bigelovii Torr. catalysed Na+/H+ or K+/H+ exchange with equal affinity, which indicates that the SbNHX1 is more likely to locate on member of vacuolar, and responds to transport Na+ into the vacuole from cytoplasm.


The choice of materials used in the series of Old Beijing seems to have much profound meaning: environment is of natural pattern, which is mud-composed crumbing walls and ruined curbs; while character is of metal material. This kind of reversal contrast relation just symbolizes that human being is being materialized by industrial civilization while natural environment is being missed.


Key techniques of reverse designing in the Pro/E platform are described. Conceptions of NURRS data processing and 3D-reconstruction in reverse designing are introduced.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
