英语人>网络例句>过错 相关的搜索结果


与 过错 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's my fault , I apologize for this .


The limitations of scientific recognition andtechnical level, and the victim"s fault and vietim"s action of duty are the grounds of apposition of responsibility imputation.


Synonyms : accuse, adjudicate, arraign, blacklist, blame, boycott, brand, castigate, censure, charge, charge with, criticize, damn, declaim, decry, denunciate, derogate, dress down, excoriate, expose, finger*, hang something on, impeach, implicate, impugn, incriminate, indict, inveigh against, knock, ostracize, proscribe, prosecute, rap, rat, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprobate, reprove, revile, scold, show up, skin*, smear, stigmatize, take to task, threaten, upbraid, vilify, vituperate

Notes: denounce 着重公开谴责,指责。 condemn 正式用词,与 condemn 意义最接近,有较强的司法意味,侧重从道义或原则上进行坚决、毫不留情的谴责。 accuse 语气比 blame 强,本义为归罪,可用作指非难或谴责之义。 blame 普通用词,语气较弱,仅是一般的责难,强调对过错等应负责任。 rebuke 多指上级对下级进行的公开、强烈、严正而不宽容的责备。 reproach 指因他人粗心,自私等引起不满而去指责,找岔。 scold 普通用词,多指上级对下级,长辈对晚辈或雇主对雇员的态度粗暴,言词激烈的数落。

Unsuccessful person will ascribe his failure to other people's fault.


Just as assumpsit provided the formal framework for the law of contract, trespass on the case provided the formal frame for the development of the tort of negligence.


There are two opinions in academic circles: first, marriage is contract, the claim of compensation for mental damage in divorce is an action of assumpsit's; second, because of marrying, the couple have consortium, the wrongful act on one spouse that violates consortium is tort liability, so the aggrieved party can claim the compensation for mental damage in divorce.


No, can not be said to be at fault.


If you could prove you are not at fault.


How can I atone for hurting your feelings?


He wished to atone for the wrong he had done.


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I hope you can acquire blessedness...
