英语人>网络例句>踏上 相关的搜索结果


与 踏上 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In silence they landed, and pushed through the blossom and scented herbage and undergrowth that led up to the level ground, till they stood on a little lawn of a marvellous green, set round with Nature's own orchard-trees—crab-apple, wild cherry, and sloe.


All kinds of animals were scurrying all around to seek a place to settle down.Kind-hearted mammoth tiger--Manfred,a slakoth who is fonding of food--Sid,tricky smilodon--Diego ,these three animals with different characters get together when they have to return a human child to its father.On their way ,three animals were in numerous contradictions.Diego came up with a deadly trap---inducing them to step in the ambush which is set by his kin.But after they went through the snowslide,the famine and other countless grave dangers,those experiences that they struggling with harsh circumstances together shook Diego's mind....

谢谢! 故事发生两万年以前冰河世纪那时地球上很多地方都覆盖着冰川奇形怪状动物们四处逃窜希望能够找到一个安身地方心地善良长毛象--曼菲德、嗜食树獭--希德、狡猾剑齿虎--迭哥这三只性格迥异动物为了使一个人类小孩重返家园竟然聚了一起组成了一只临时护送队踏上了漫漫寻亲路一路上这三只动物矛盾重生迭哥心生毒计想诱领队伍踏入自己族类设下致命伏击但们共同经历了雪崩、饥荒等无数险境之后这些与严酷环境抗争经历使迭哥开始对自己计划动摇了。。。。。。

He is always puffing about the expensive wines he brings over to my place, and is then sniffy about the offerings I take round to his.


As soon as the bridal party came in sight of La Rèserve, M. Morrel descended and came forth to meet it, followed by the soldiers and sailors there assembled, to whom he had repeated the promise already given, that Dantès should be the successor to the late Captain Leclere. Edmond, at the approach of his patron, respectfully placed the arm of his affianced bride within that of M. Morrel, who, forthwith conducting her up the flight of wooden steps leading to the chamber in which the feast was prepared, was gayly followed by the guests, beneath whose heavy tread the slight structure creaked and groaned for the space of several minutes.


Slinging towels around our necks, we loped across the field next to our house and headed up the dirt road.


The sensation of accelerated motion is only temporary, though, and the ever-adaptable brain soon readjusts itself once more--until the next time you step up on that rolling, immobile track.


Century Chinese people in the tide of urbanization driven by successively Tian was scalding hot, and more and more people leave the rural village ward, a city on the road.


To step out of the glitter and bustle of the station----rather weary and jaded with the long journey from Milan----straight on to the landing stage against which the water of the Grand Canal is lapping, to step on board a gondola and to go gliding down the dark, broad, silent highway, with dim-lit, ghostly palaces on either hand; not till memory forsakes you will you forget this experience.

从米兰出发,旅程令人疲惫不堪,终是到达威尼斯。走出灯火通明、熙攘喧嚣的车站,便踏上了栈桥。桥下,只听得大运河水轻轻舐岸。坐上贡多拉( Gondola,两头尖的平底船,威尼斯一大特色),穿行于宽敞的水道间,夜色迷漫,静谧幽远。两岸宫殿里烛影绰绰,显得幽森诡异。

"There was a cheap mat just inside the door. The mat was there to hide the years of wear from countless footsteps that the floor had supported. Although clean, it needed to be replaced."


She tells her to ZhuYun aniseeds experience, with her husband and three is to point to an abdomen is engaged couples, grew up together, since "jing", combined the difficult in newly-married husband, the bamboo of receiving the notice on the banquet, was so quickly, without even more urgent into the chamber, not enough time to say goodbye to the old and new wife will be on the journey.


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In this paper, the requirement analysis, design and implementation of the system are introduced in detail.


In the context of economic globalization is increasingly deepening, China's economy can not be spared.


Results:(1)Increased expression of ICAM-1 appeared in cultured endothelial cells after anoxia and enhanced after reoxygenation.
