英语人>网络例句>赤贫的 相关的搜索结果


与 赤贫的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The factious bishops, Ursacius and Valens, retracted their charges against him in the hands of Pope Julius; and as he travelled home, by way of Thrace, Asia Minor, and Syria, the crowd of court-prelates did him abject homage.

该factious主教, ursacius和蠹,撤回了对他的指控在政府手中波普戏剧,并且随着他前往家中的方式,色雷斯,小亚细亚,叙利亚,人群的法庭主教做他的赤贫参拜。

What form tremendous contrast with afore-mentioned opinion on public affairs is, yo ever stated the company already was planning to finish work of generation lead plane before Yves Guillemot of green jade president two days, strive for heavy dice to bet expected affection to be in overtones again, the power that proves dynastic changes once more comes from only possibly suffer from not all small or petty proprietor and beggarly estate, like EA this kind of landlord moneybags that insists green hill to be not loosened is only too anxious to all one's life so generation lead plane.

与上述言论形成巨大反差的是,育碧总裁Yves Guillemot前两天曾表示公司已在规划下一代主机作品,争取重掷骰子再赌一把的期盼之情溢于言表,再度证明改朝换代的动力只可能来自患不均的小业主和赤贫阶层,像EA这种咬定青山不放松的地主老财巴不得一辈子就这么一代主机。

The new unemployed, Smith wrote,"would either starve, or be driven to seek a subsistence either by begging, or by the perpetration perhaps of the greatest enormities," and "want, famine, and mortality would immediately prevail…."[2] Smith rejects interventions that exclude the market—but not interventions that include the market while aiming to do those important things that the market may leave undone.


All belonged to that indigent class which begins to separate from the lowest of petty bourgeoisie in straitened circumstances, and which extends from misery to misery into the lowest depths of society down to those two beings in whom all the material things of civilization end, the sewer-man who sweeps up the mud, and the ragpicker who collects scraps.


All belonged to that indigent class which begins to separate from the lowest of petty bourgeoisie in straitened circumstances, which extends from misery to misery into the lowest depths of society down to those two beings in whom all the material things of civilization end, the sewer-man who sweeps up the mud, the ragpicker who collects scraps.

com 巴黎常有的事。他们全属于那种赤贫阶级,以原就极为潦倒、继又逐步从苦难陷入苦难、一直陷到社会底层的小市民开始,并以清除污泥的阴沟工人和收集旧衣烂衫的破布贩子这两种得不到文明好处的职业告终。

France herself a gigantic self-devouring monster, her fairest cities destroyed, Lyons razed to the ground, Toulon, Marseilles, masses of blackened ruins, her bravest sons turned to lustful brutes or to abject cowards seeking safety at the cost of any humiliation.


Many thousands dropped out on the long and heartbreaking march, but thousands of others –farmers, apprentices, slaves, deserters from the Kuomintang ranks, workers, all the disinherited—joined in and filled the ranks.


Mr da Silva's own life story—the seventh child of a dirt-poor family from the north-eastern backlands who rose to become a trade-union leader—entitled him to assume the moral leadership of a new, democratic Latin American left, one that seemed to have freed itself from the past attachment to an all-powerful state.


The United States will now move upon a path of redistribution of wealth that may cause a greater middle class and fewer wealthy and impoverished over time.


At any other time and place, this lowly origin would have dictated his future, but his self-determination would assure his seat in his country's history and almost single-handedly created the prototype of the self-made American


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At the rear was an innovative combination transaxle with the gearbox, clutch, differential, and inboard-mounted drum brakes.


For more people can apprecaite and have the master work, there is reproduction painting appears in the market, the large various selection of paint,the high saturation of color plus the plentiful sfumato, to make the reproduction perfect copy and detail as original painting, so as to meet the requirment of amateurs who love art paintings,they do not need to pay high price to get classical paintings.


I hope you can acquire blessedness...
