英语人>网络例句>资源丰富的 相关的搜索结果


与 资源丰富的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My Office is located in Zhejiang Province Tianmushan University, has rich forest resources, particularly resources are particularly rich pecan, pecan is a kind of epicarp environmental protection, low-cost coverage of a new type of garden materials, and its contains a biochemical factor that can effective in the soil to kill pests; and can increase the green color, rich green texture, landscaping, green landscape and green land; to prevent dust and soil erosion, improve air quality, so that a more pleasant environment; reduce transpiration, especially in summer, be conducive to maintaining soil moisture, prevent soil knot board, to maintain temperature, saving water, at the same time to effectively control weeds.


In celebration of the Company supplies on a rich resources, there are nearly 5,000 square feet of new red, blue carpet; several different colors of the 10 arches; cut a full set of gold; hundreds of square dedicated board; thousands of the colorful flags; few 100-meter red in the Buman…… Acting resources: a balloon launch, dragon and lion dance teams, Yaogu team and the military band, a bike speed performance, we have a good understanding in the gift area also has abundant Resources: all kinds of pop, the new, practical gifts.


It is rich in natural resources,such as flat land resources,petroleum and natural gas resources buried underground and a vast area of reed,wetland and tideland.


The Wuling Mountain where Our company location is rich in traditional Chinese medicine resources,we have research in zhenzhulan tea ,honeysuckle,Ginkgo biloba,Chinese goldthread,corktree,Wsojutsu var ,Wild Buckwheat Rhizome,Artemisia annua,red clover,Eucommia Bark,Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb,we can provide special products as tea polyphenols,Honeysuckle P.E,Fagopyrum P.E,Red Clover P.E,Gynostemma P.E.


But, said Dr. Moatti, lack of adherence and risk of resistance doesn't stop the use of the antiretroviral medication in resource-rich countries."We are applying a double standard to Africa," he said, despite studies in C te d'Ivoire, Senegal, and Uganda "that demonstrate that viral resistance and nonadherence to treatment are no greater problems in cohorts of patients in Africa than in developed countries."

Moatti博士表示,缺少服药顺应性和产生抗性的危险并未是让资源丰富的国家停止使用抗逆转录病毒药物的主要原因,我们正以双重标准评估非洲,除了在Cote d'Ivoire、塞内加尔,和乌干达的研究显示非洲病毒的抗药性及对于治疗的不顺从性并不亚于已开发国家。

Based on the trophodynamics in marine ecological system and the primary productivity data from the fishing grounds of east Fujian during the marine investigation in Taiwan Strait, the concentration of organic carbon of phytoplankton and 52 species of main economic fishes were determined, and the nutritive level of the fishes and ecological efficiency in the fishing ground were calculated. The ecological carrying capacity of fish resources was 630800 tons using Cushing model and dynamics model.

闽东渔场位于26000'一27010'N、1 19050'一125000'E,北邻浙江温台渔场,南接台湾海峡,属亚热带海第2期林法玲:闽东渔场鱼类资源生态容量和最大可持续开发量域,鱼类资源丰富,系我国南方海域重要渔场之一。20世纪80年代以来,闽东渔场鱼类资源呈现衰退现象,有关鱼类资源生态容量和可持续开发量是渔业生产和管理部门所关注的问题。

Even some ardent conservationists acknowledge that the diversity of life on Earth cannot be fully sustained as human populations expand use more resources nudge the climate and move weedlike pests and predators from place to place.


Visa is the first to apply state-of-the-art neural network technologies to payments, potentially reducing the incidence of card fraud by giving Visa member banks smarter and timelier data about suspicious transactions.

Visa的经营策略以坚定的营运标准和原则为核心,配合资源丰富的国家与区域团队,满足各地会员机构所需。Visa 所有会员的活动,都要遵从全球运作守则与中央团队的指示。

Has been completed and opening up are: Foshan liangyuan first restoration project, radio and television center, Ji Hua Yuan, golf courses, Foshan musical fountain park, theater and cultural center, Kinmen and Matsu; South China Sea in southern Taoyuan County, Xiqiao Guanyin Cultural Court, Wong Tai Sin Sacred Site Park, Once Upon a Lion Dance and Martial Arts, days Lake Park Arts Plaza, Qingyun scenic view of the tunnel; Sanshui banner head village, Forest Park, St. Kong Park, the world's largest reclining Buddha, Qianfoshan; Shunde Fu Qing Hui Garden Park expansion, Shunde Mountain Center, Baolin Si, are safe ecological park, the New World Convention and Exhibition Centre; smart "back garden" construction with beautiful scenery along the River,"three high" agricultural tourism base, forest parks, natural hunting ground the reservoir area and other tourist resorts, such as the center of Foshan, including the four cities directly under the investment giant, large, rich tourism resources of static links into a tourism area, is changing the Foshan tourist attractions are not engaging and attractive conditions of weak .


The Yellow River Delta that is one of three most largest estuary delta in China locates an intersect area between the Economy Circle around the Bohai Sea and the Economy Belt of the Yellow River valley. Natural resources like petroleum, natural gas, bittern and terrestrial heat enrich the Yellow River Delta area. Moreover, the natural endow of wetland resources, marine products resources and land resources abound in this area.


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Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
