英语人>网络例句>谄媚 相关的搜索结果


与 谄媚 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"What I would say to Mr. Blair is stop toadying up to the Americans and listen to your own people, us, for once," said Elsie Hinks, 77, who marched in London with her husband, Sidney, a retired Church of England priest.

& 我会对布莱尔先生说话什么是停止谄媚由美国人决定而且听你自己的人话,我们,为一次,&Elsie Hinks 说,77,谁在和她的丈夫,席德尼,英国牧师的隐退教堂的伦敦进军。

He wheedled his way onto the stage.


"The Bull Terrier must be strongly built, muscular, symmetrical and active, with a keen, determined and intelligent expression, full of fire but of sweet disposition and amenable to discipline."


As the old Capuchin Monkey saying goes,"Imitation is the highest form of flattery."


C That popular fable of the sot who was picked up dead-drunk in the street, carried to the duke's house, washed and dressed and laid in the duke's bed, and, on his waking, treated with all obsequious ceremony like the duke, and assured atht he had been insane, owes its popularity to the fact that it symbolizes so well the state of man, who is in the world a sort of sot, but now and then wakes up, exercises his reason and finds himself a true prince.


These are grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires; they are loud-mouthed boasters, showing favoritism to gain advantage.


History will teach us that the former has been found a much more certain road to the introduction of despotism than the latter, and that of those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the people; commencing demagogues, and ending tyrants.


The moral to this story is,"Beware of flatterers."


They always hold that we are flatterers around the king.


Chinese agents are expert flatterers and are well aware of the 'softening' effect of food and alcohol.


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Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
