英语人>网络例句>花萼 相关的搜索结果


与 花萼 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Calyx persistent. Corolla 4- or 5- or more lobed; lobes usually spreading, aestivation overlapping.


The results offer the condition that these plants of Ajuga could be distinguished by size and ornamentation of exhymenine.


Calyx ovoid in flower, suberect or declinate; teeth 5, posterior 1 widest, lateral teeth separate or adnate to posterior tooth forming upper lip; anterior teeth 2, separate or connate, forming lower lip; fruiting calyx tubular, veins elevated, teeth bright colored.


Fruit woody, indehiscent, 5--10-ribbed, mostly adnate to calyx, apex with persisent calyx and style base forming a short rostrum; exocarp thin, hard; mesocarp thick, fibrously spongy; endocarp intruded by mesocarp, with many radiate lacunas.


Inflorescence rachis and calyx yellowish green or yellowish brown when dry; calyx conspicuously veined, not glaucous.


Do calyxes of flowers photosynthesize?


Male flowers: free, surrounded by peltate to clavate interfloral bracts; calyx tubular, slightly 2-lobed or 2-4-lobed; lobes imbricate or valvate; stamen 1, straight in bud, slightly to conspicuously exserted from calyx; anthers globose to oblong, 2-loculed; pistillode absent.

雄花: 离生,被盾形到棍棒状的花内苞片包围;花萼管状,稍2裂或浅裂;裂片覆瓦状的或镊合状;雄蕊1,在芽中直,从花萼稍外露到显著;花药球状的到长圆形,2室;退化雌蕊缺席。

Calyx with small teeth never extending to middle of calyx.


Fruiting calyx with 5 short teeth to 1/3 as long as fruiting calyx tube; corolla tube spreading or straight.


Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla tube less than 2 X as long as calyx; beak straight or bent slightly downward.

花萼5浅裂。花冠筒少于2 X倍于花萼;具喙的直的或向下使稍服从。

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If we can prove the independence of an axiomatic system, then we can guarantee the conciseness of this system, ie.


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