英语人>网络例句>胚胎 相关的搜索结果


与 胚胎 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From April to September, several clusters of bamboos, 3 ~ 4 m long, 1 ~ 2 m wide, were set on the sea bed at a depth of 16 to 20 m to attract their spawning, and the egg-strings were then transported to the laboratory. When the development of the embryo reached stage 24, iris of eyes being prominent as a colour circle and statolith being formed, they were transferred into different rearing conditions, i.e., 20, 25, 30, 35 o/oo and 15, 20, 25, 30 oC. The durations from stage 24 to hatching were different among all different rearing conditions. The statoliths were extracted and mounted in Crystal Bond thermoplastic cement for reading their growth rings.

每年的四月到九月为东北角软丝主要的产卵季节,竹丛被设置在沙质海床上吸引成熟的个体前来产卵,将采集到的卵串带回实验室中培养,当胚胎发育至第二十四期的时候(胚胎的虹膜及平衡石开始生成),这些胚胎分别被转换至不同的温度及盐度条件之下培养,温度被控制在15, 20, 25, 30 oC 四种条件下,盐度则分为20, 25, 30, 35 o/oo 四种条件,共组成十六种不同的培养条件,从平衡石生成至幼体孵出所需要的时间随著培养条件的不同而有所差异,孵化所需要的时间会随著培养的温度而有很大的变化,低温的条件会将所需的时间增长许多,在正常的条件下(25oC,35o/oo),从平衡石出限制肤出约需要9~16天。

The content variation to Chrysopa septempunctata"s vitellin was detected through ELISA. It indicated that vitellin was utilized gradually during embryonic development, and a fallowing trend in form of straightline was found in the whole embryonic development. Vitellin couldn"t be detected in just hatched larvae.


It was also observed malpighian tube and tail spine teratogenesis in embryo development test, more than 50% of daphnids being deformed during the test.


It is also an ideal source of tissue engineering and cell substitutive therapy of regenerative medicine. The target of this experiment is to investigate how to isolate totipotent mouse ESCs from BALB/C species mice and to analysis some biological characteristics of ESCs.


But in 2007, scientists made a revolutionary breakthrough. Three different groups simultaneously announced that they had converted unipotent, mature skin cells back into an undifferentiated state. In other words, they had created cells that behaved like embryonic stem cells without using any embryo derived materials. These new cells, dubbed "induced pluripotent stem cells" or IPS's could then be converted into a variety of different cell types, such as pancreas, muscle or brain cells. The IPS's were created by inserting certain genes into the DNA of the adult cells.


Because of this situation, we suggested that the construction of human embryonic stem cell research regulations in Taiwan should be of first priority and illegal use of human embryo or unpatentable types of human embryonic stem cell inventions should be regulated by law. Moreover, following the trend of stem cell technology, the regulation of cell therapy, gene therapy and analysis or diagnostic technologies related to stem cells should be amended to support stem cell research and research foundation, research awards or preference of business investment should be established to improve development of stem cell industry in Taiwan.


This week's paper shows that stem-cell lines can be grown from less developed embryos — balls of eight to ten cells — and the process could leave them unscarred I.


In conclusions: 1 The treatment that buffalo occytes are cultured in Ionomycin (5 min)+CDM (3 h)+ 6-DMAP(3 h) after ICSI with sorted sperm can improve their subsequent embryonic development; 2 The dead ultrasoniced sorted sperm can be used for ICSI; 3 The result of ICSI with sorted sperm is similar to that with unsexed sperm, but the result of IVF with sorted sperm is lower than that with unsorted sperm; 4 The treatment of heparin after ICSI with sorted sperm can improve the blastocyst development rate; 5 The development rate of blastocyst with sorted sperm was variable among buffalos indicating that sorting high quality sperm from specific buffalos can increasethe efficiency of ICSI.


Based on the experience and methods summed up by other researchers, the technique of cell culture was employed to study bovine follicular oocytes maturation, fertilization and the development of earlier embryo in vitro. The objective of this research is to upbuild and perfect a set of high-and-new-tech systems to obtain high-yield and high-quality bovine embryo, to provide technical operational regulations and ways and means to embryo engineering in practical production, to accumulate data for theoretical research.


The method of vitrification cryopreservation of mouse 2-cell embryos was studied. Several vitrification solutions named EFS30, EFS40, EDFS30 and EDFS40 were prepared. The solution contains ethylene glycol, Ficoll, sucrose and DMSO. Straw method was used to vitrify and cryopreservate in vivo mouse 2-cell embryos at room temperature (20℃ or 25℃). OPS method was used to vitrify the embryo at 25 ℃ or 37℃.


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With the development of highway construction, the speed of cars has been gradually increased.


So we basically had to develop a bond with the animal in terms of socializing with it.


"Comrade, I will be late for school. Please take me to my school, will you?"
