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与 索克人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the drama, Aeschylus, Suofukeleishi, Euripides, and other people's script attracted large audiences.


Professor Christopher Bulpitt, an expert in ageing, said that high levels of cholesterol and the red blood pigment haemoglobin can age men, while low levels of the liver chemical bilirubin may reduce women\'s ability to retain their youthfulness.


The main divisions were the Rhoxolani, the Iazyges, and the Alans or Alani.


"I did some research and saw that there were two or three days that every culture agrees on as lucky days," said Fitzgerald, who will wed in Sandy Hook, N.J., near her and Allsopp's hometown.


The distress of the people, the laborers without bread, the last Prince de Conde engulfed in the shadows, Brussels expelling the Nassaus as Paris did the Bourbons, Belgium offering herself to a French Prince and giving herself to an English Prince, the Russian hatred of Nicolas, behind us the demons of the South, Ferdinand in Spain, Miguel in Portugal, the earth quaking in Italy, Metternich extending his hand over Bologna, France treating Austria sharply at Ancona, at the North no one knew what sinister sound of the hammer nailing up Poland in her coffin, irritated glances watching France narrowly all over Europe, England, a suspected ally, ready to give a push to that which was tottering and to hurl herself on that which should fall, the peerage sheltering itself behind Beccaria to refuse four heads to the law, the fleurs -de -lys erased from the King's carriage, the cross torn from Notre Dame, Lafayette lessened, Laffitte ruined, Benjamin Constant dead in indigence, Casimir Perier dead in the exhaustion of his power; political and social malady breaking out simultaneously in the two capitals of the kingdom, the one in the city of thought, the other in the city of toil; at Paris civil war, at Lyons servile war; in the two cities, the same glare of the furnace; a crater-like crimson on the brow of the people; the South rendered fanatic, the West troubled, the Duchesse de Berry in la Vendee, plots, conspiracies, risings, cholera, added the sombre roar of tumult of events to the sombre roar of ideas.


It was you, goddess, who delivered him by calling to Olympus the hundred-handed monster whom gods call Briareus, but men Aegaeon, for he is stronger even than his father; when therefore he took his seat all-glorious beside the son of Saturn, the other gods were afraid, and did not bind him.


Clemenza said, a little arrogantly for a man whose top button man had recently betrayed him,"Sollozzo will never get near this house, Boss, you don't have to worry about that."


Subsequently, the combined group, now distinct the Canaanites who remained, could have migrated to Egypt, becoming the Hyksos, and upon their return no longer viewing the Canaanites as related, as they no longer resembled themselves.


Around 1674 BC, the Semitic invaders, whom the Egyptians referred to as the "Hyksos", conquered Lower Egypt, evidently leaving Canaan an ethnically diverse land.


A half-dozen men inthe saloon, a dozen or more in a Main Street shoot-out, the wholeCarnegie regiment ready to reduce to rubble the rural house Eli hasholed up in with a grizzled couple (Brit theatrical giants MichaelGambon and Frances de la Tour) and Solara — none of these armies canbring him down.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
