英语人>网络例句>眼睑水肿 相关的搜索结果


与 眼睑水肿 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main performance of the period similar to upper respiratory tract infection symptoms:① fever in all cases, more than for the moderate fever;② cough, runny nose and tears, pharynx, such as congestive catarrhal symptoms, eye symptoms prominent conjunctival inflammation, eyelid edema, increased tears, photophobia, eyelid under the edge of a clear line of congestive, the diagnosis of measles very helpful ③ Koplik spots, eruptive in 24 ~ 48 hours prior to the emergence of about 1.0mm in diameter outside the gray dots red halo, found only at the beginning of the mucosa under the molars, but the increase in one day can be involved very quickly and spread to the entire buccal mucosa lip and mucous membrane after the rash appears in the gradual disappearance of skin rash may have a small dark red points;④ occasional skin urticaria, rash or scarlet fever faint rash appears when the typical skin rash disappeared;⑤ Some patients may have some non-specific symptoms such as general malaise, anorexia, etc.


Eye examination showed blepharospasm ball conjunctival hyperemia, edema, corneal punctate epithelial shedding, decreased corneal sensitivity, corneal fluorescein staining showed diffuse points, or flake coloring, the pupil to narrow as .24 hours, the symptoms and reduce the growth of new epithelium, 48 hour recovery, when the electro-optic stimulation of ophthalmia after symptom onset, can be partially points, 025% dicaine pain, point anti-inflammatory eye drops, hourly, pre-B anti-corneal infection .


Some of them with visual loss, optic papilledema and orbital mass. B-scan ultrasonography revealed a cyctic tumor and a strong echo spot with spontaneous movement. On CT scanning, found was a well-defined hyperdensity mass in which there was a low density area. On MRI, the signal intensity of T1WI of cystic fluid was low or moderate and of T2WI was high, while the signal intensity of T1WI and T2WI of surounding scar tissue was still low.

结果 22例有反复的眶内炎症史及占位性病变体征,如眼睑及结膜充血水肿,眼球突出,眼球运动受限;6例有视力下降和视乳头水肿,并扪及肿物。B超示占位性病变内有液性暗区及自发运动光斑;CT扫描示高密度块影中央部有低密度区;MRI检查示囊液信号强度T1WI为低或中信号,T2WI为高信号,其周围的纤维瘢痕组织T1WI和T2WI均为低信号。

RESULTS: On inspection and slit lamp examination, the patients manifested the characteristic lesion of a white translucent papule with a central black pit.


GO may result in eyelid retraction, proptosis, chemosis, periorbital edema, and altered ocular motility.


Facial edema may also be caused by a stye, or growth on the inner or outer eyelid.


Graves' ophthalmopathy is a common autoimmune disorder that display with Graves' disease showing characteristic clinical feature such as proptosis,eyelid retraction and chemosis.


"VKC is a chronic bilateral inflammation of the conjunctiva characterized by hyperemia, chemosis, photophobia, filamentous and sticky mucous discharge, and giant papillary hypertrophy of the upper tarsal conjunctiva," write Alessandro Lambiase, MD, from the University "Campus Bio-Medico" in Rome, Italy, and colleagues.

位于意大利罗马生物医学大学的Alessandro Lambiase博士表示,VKC是一种结膜的双侧慢性发炎,其特征为充血、结膜水肿、畏光、形成丝状及粘性分泌物,上眼睑也会出现巨大的乳突。

"VKC is a chronic bilateral inflammation of the conjunctiva characterized by hyperemia, chemosis, photophobia, filamentous and sticky mucous discharge, and giant papillary hypertrophy of the upper tarsal conjunctiva," write Alessandro Lambiase, MD, from the University "Campus Bio-Medico" in Rome, Italy, and colleagues.

位於义大利罗马生物医学大学的Alessandro Lambiase博士表示,VKC是一种结膜的双侧慢性发炎,其特徵为充血、结膜水肿、畏光、形成丝状及粘性分泌物,上眼睑也会出现巨大的乳突。

Piglet edema were first discovered in Britain, is hemolytic E. coli intestinal toxemia, so capillaries or systemic damage to the small blood vessels, increasing permeability and fluid extravasation too much water, to the head, eyelids, Equality ear edema, acute ataxia and death as the main feature of acute infectious diseases, also known as gastrointestinal edema pigs or pig intestinal toxemia E. coli, a highly lethal disease.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
