英语人>网络例句>海地的首都 相关的搜索结果


与 海地的首都 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I don't really know who's in charge, said Beno?


So now we will be starting to set up our hospital, it's a hundred-bed-hospital with two operating theaters, in terms of care work and a emergency room and will be able to hospitalize the patients, following the surgical intervention.

所以,现在我们在开始设立自己的医院,共有100张病床,2个手术室。在护理工作方面,设有一个急诊室,在进行手术之后,可以让病人住院。下面是Nick Davis从海地首都发回的报道。

IN ONE of the ramshackle tent cities that have sprouted in open spaces all across Port-au-Prince, Isa Longchamp, a dishevelled and dejected eight-year-old girl, starts to whimper. After losing her mother when the Haitian capital was devastated by the earthquake of January 12th, she is now struggling to survive.

太子港的空地上到处都是破烂不堪的帐篷,在其中一个帐篷里,8岁小女孩Isa Longchamp蓬头垢面,一脸无助,她开始呜咽起来。1月12号的地震毁掉了海地首都,小女孩也失去了妈妈,她现在为生存而挣扎。

Of the 3 million people living in the Haitian capital of Port au Prince, a tenth of them reside in Cite Soleil, the largest shantytown in Haiti, which has an alarming crime rate.


A usual occasion to find this trick in use is in press conferences, where spokespersons turn to giving nonsense answers to sharp, embarrassing questions instead of using "no comment" to divert reporters' attention, while trying to give the impression of being humorous, witty and charmful at the same time.

比如我写这个帖子时,我身边的电视机中正在报告一条新闻,大意是海地总统Jean-Bertrand Aristide由于国内动乱,流亡到中非共和国首都Bangui,Aristide声称自己是被美国士兵绑架的,而中非共和国的外交部长则要求Aristide闭嘴,不要乱讲话。听完这条新闻后,我头脑中马上闪现出下面这句话,把这件事情的后果,简单总结了一下,这就是&用英语思考&。

The unrest began last week in the southern city of Les Cayes, where five people were killed, and it spread to cities across Haiti, the poorest country in the Caribbean.Thousands protested in the capital, home to some two million people, and bands of looters sacked warehouses and terrorized drivers and shopkeepers with rocks.


Traveling west through the cigar famed Pinar del Rio region he reaches the musical Santiago de Cuba . Traveling onto Haiti through its capital , Port au Prince , he ends his journey at the spectacular Citadel in Cap Haitien .


Traveling west through the cigar famed Pinar del Rio region he reaches the musical Santiago de Cuba. Traveling onto Haiti through its capital, Port au Prince, he ends his journey at the spectacular Citadel in Cap Haitien.


In Port-au-Prince,the capital of Haiti,there are thousands of child slaves.


China's emergency rescue team has arrived in Haiti's capital Port-au-Prince to assist rescue work.



I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
