英语人>网络例句>树皮 相关的搜索结果


与 树皮 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I feelthe delicate symmetry of a leaf. I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch


I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf. I pass my handslovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch, or the rough


I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch or the rough shaggy bark of a pine.


I pass my hand s lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch, or the rough shaggy bark of a pine.


The bark of certain species provides cork for flooring, soundproofing, and wine-stoppers, while the bark of other species provides tannin for leather-tanning, or compounds for medicines.


Computational bark takes someone about 10% of all sorts of arboreous xylem, at present the whole world has the bark of 250 million stere every year to be able to be used about, already was used however occupy only very small one part.


In terms of water economizing effect, mantles of velamen have better effect than cortex, then stones come the third.


Tree with shaggy unpleasant-smelling toxic bark and yielding strong durable wood; bark and seeds used as a purgative and vermifuge and narcotic.


The secretary of the Province of New Netherland, writing in Dutch, in 1650, for the information of those who wished to take up land there, states more particularly that those in New Netherland, and especially in New England, who have no means to build farmhouses at first according to their wishes, dig a square pit in the ground, cellar fashion, six or seven feet deep, as long and as broad as they think proper, case the earth inside with wood all round the wall, and line the wood with the bark of trees or something else to prevent the caving in of the earth; floor this cellar with plank, and wainscot it overhead for a ceiling, raise a roof of spars clear up, and cover the spars with bark or green sods, so that they can live dry and warm in these houses with their entire families for two, three, and four years, it being understood that partitions are run through those cellars which are adapted to the size of the family.


The secretary of the Province of New Netherland,(22) writing in Dutch, in 1650, for the information of those who wished to take up land there, states more particularly that those in New Netherland, and especially in New England, who have no means to build farmhouses at first according to their wishes, dig a square pit in the ground, cellar fashion, six or seven feet deep, as long and as broad as they think proper, case the earth inside with wood all round the wall, and line the wood with the bark of trees or something else to prevent the caving in of the earth; floor this cellar with plank, and wainscot it overhead for a ceiling, raise a roof of spars clear up, and cover the spars with bark or green sods, so that they can live dry and warm in these houses with their entire families for two, three, and four years, it being understood that partitions are run through those cellars which are adapted to the size of the family.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
