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与 斯基台人的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Scythians accompanied the Assyrian Esarhaddon on his invasion of Egypt, and their distinctive triangular arrowheads have been found as far south as Aswan.


The Scythian, the Indian, or some other neighboring barbarian will possess Egypt!


The Scythian Pazyryk of the Altai Mountain region were another ancient culture which employed tattoos. In 1948, the 2,400 year old body of a Scythian male was discovered preserved in ice in Siberia, his limbs and torso covered in ornate tattoos of mythical animals.


Flavius Aetius,a great general of the Western Roman Empire,son of the valiant Flavius Gaudentius,is leading his army in search of the crude Huns----those horsemen who are from Mongolian Plateau and are given to slaughtering,the wilderness of deserts and prairie makes them crazy and boorish.they poured out of mongolia like powerful tidal waves,pushed through the lofty Altai moutains and swept the whole Central Asia,chopping down all those who dare to impede them.they trample on the bodies of Scythians,Alans,Goths and Burgundians,dashing over Central Asia and East Europe like a gust of whirl wind.



What are your goals and strategies for growth?


And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven irits of God, and the seven star I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.

3:1 你要写信给撒狄教会的使者,说,那有神的七灵和七星的,说,我知道你的行为,按名你是活的,其实是死的。

"It is a testament to making sure unemployment compensation is available, making sure we are looking out for people who have lost their jobs," she said.
