英语人>网络例句>懒散地 相关的搜索结果


与 懒散地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Dont you dare nowhere me, young layabout," Rachel the Dragon, Mistress of Chambermaids, barked full into his face—a juxtaposition made possible only by Rachels tiptoed stance and the boys natural inclination to slouch, for the head chambermaid lacked nearly a foot of Simons height.

"再敢跟我说'哪儿也没去',小懒虫。"Rachel ,被他称作龙的这个严厉的女人,是女仆的管事。她在他的脸前喝叱着。达到这样的效果是因为Rachel在踮着脚尖站着,而这个男孩又在懒散地斜着身子。因为这个女管事的身高几乎比这个男孩低一个脚。

I found him sprawl ed on the bed.


2 To kill weed which may sprawl rampantly among crops in the first several years, effective weedicide is needed to play the same role as ploughing fields does to eliminate weed.

sprawl:肢;懒散地伸开;蔓延;rampant:蔓生的;无约束的;plough:=plow 犁在最初的几年里,杂草可能在农作物中蔓延滋生,为了消灭这些杂草,需要有效的除草剂,发挥为了消灭这些为了消灭这杂草,需要有效的除草剂,发挥与耕地同样的消灭杂草的作用。

"Occasionally, I moved slowly and dowdily, but sometimes I awakened in a sudden and bustled up to look after my aims."


I talk to you, but your ears are shut. I pour the blessings on you, but your eyes leave away. I assign the angle to help you, but you just sit there slackly, driving them away.


Five homunculi puttered into the room.


They sit in cosy huddles playing Chinese games, smoking, and eexchanging the latest gossip.


He lazed away the whole afternoon.


You can' t go on lazing your life away.


He s been lazing all afternoon .


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
