英语人>网络例句>慈悲的 相关的搜索结果


与 慈悲的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The three most memorable images in this book, among many, are of the king asleep, in his grand bed, chastely alone; sitting on his cushion in his great chamber, listening to his subjects' problems; and scribbling, at the end of his will, the plea of a man who has taken on far too much:"Jesu Mercy and Gremercy Ladie Marie help."


Believing that God loves me so much that the most precious thing He has is not too good for me-His own Son; believing that God really does not despise me or condemn me because of my having so many faults that I often dislike myself and find myself unbearable; believing that God's mercy is greater than all our failures-that is what Jesus was trying to say to all men through Sister Faustina.


Dark clouds would disappear sooner or later, the clear blue sky would appear and the sun rise, finally. Your life-long accumulated information would not happen to one person who does not have self-awareness. With the disappearing self-awareness, they do not have any targets and the life wheel would stop rolling. However, lenity and love can cure everything and people with high-morality could change the negative energy to the positive one.


The most esteemed among the vocal mothers were Mother Sainte-Honorine; the treasurer, Mother Sainte-Gertrude, the chief mistress of the novices; Mother-Saint-Ange, the assistant mistress; Mother Annonciation, the sacristan; Mother Saint-Augustin, the nurse, the ssbbww.com one in the convent who was malicious; then Mother Sainte-Mechtilde, very young with a beautiful voice; Mother des Anges, who had been in the convent of the Filles-Dieu, in the convent du Tresor, between Gisors Magny; Mother Saint-Joseph, Mother Sainte-Adelaide (Mademoiselle d'Auverney), Mother Misericorde (Mademoiselle de Cifuentes, who could not resist austerities), Mother Compassion (Mademoiselle de la Miltiere, received at the age of sixty in defiance of the rule, very wealthy); Mother Providence, Mother Presentation, who was prioress in 1847; finally, Mother Sainte-Celigne (sister of the sculptor Ceracchi), who went mad; Mother Sainte-Chantal, who went mad.


The most esteemed among the vocal mothers were Mother Sainte-Honorine; the treasurer, Mother Sainte-Gertrude, the chief mistress of the novices; Mother-Saint-Ange, the assistant mistress; Mother Annonciation, the sacristan; Mother Saint-Augustin, the nurse, the only one in the convent who was malicious; then Mother Sainte-Mechtilde, very young and with a beautiful voice; Mother des Anges, who had been in the convent of the Filles-Dieu, and in the convent du Tresor, between Gisors and Magny; Mother Saint-Joseph, Mother Sainte-Adelaide (Mademoiselle d'Auverney), Mother Misericorde (Mademoiselle de Cifuentes, who could not resist austerities), Mother Compassion (Mademoiselle de la Miltiere, received at the age of sixty in defiance of the rule, and very wealthy); Mother Providence, Mother Presentation, who was prioress in 1847; and finally, Mother Sainte-Celigne (sister of the sculptor Ceracchi), who went mad; Mother Sainte-Chantal, who went mad.


Hi Jill,a nice view of Grace of GOD.We can have a mind of possitive thinking if only we stay focused on the teachings of JESUS CHRIST.In HIS Infinite mercy HE has opened up the floodgates of Divine grace for total healing of ones whole being in whatever broken condition ,whether the mind,body or soul.The Saints were documented and known for having sufficient grace to perform miraculous cures over the centuries,even today many physicians and medical staff are bewildered by such healings encountered beyond medical technology.In all that is said,GODS Grace is good and sufficient for us all,Blessed be GOD forever!


The serene expression is typical of Avalokitesvara, saviour in troubled times and provider of solace and mercy, also known as the Bodhisattva of compassion.


Thus painter didn't care the saying and painted Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva as female.


When people talk about"the great living Buddha",the picture they have in mind is always like this;among a crowd of hundreds and thousands of people sitting high there on the grand rostum is the great Lama with stalwart body and a magnificent glowing of Dharma,rolling the rtamboling,chanting Sutras,surrounded by streamers,Image as such is the image of a "great living Buddha"

前言 十五世香根·拉马交活佛慈悲巧善巧教化众生的美名已响彻九洲。当有人问起活佛的情况时,聆听过他老慈语甘露的有缘弟子们,一般会告诉别人,上师是黄教有名的四大香根活佛之一。

Rather, the inner light will guide people to your doorstep for your compassion and care.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
