英语人>网络例句>愤怒地说 相关的搜索结果


与 愤怒地说 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Demands after being democratically elected by a large mass of angry and hungry Indian peasants who see no real alternatives for themselves and their children, said Bruce Bagley, an expert on Andean drug policies at the University of Miami.


And they had the audacity to look at my picture, Alicia," she said, with mock indignation."I found the baize thrown on the ground, and a great man's glove on the carpet.


We learn to dam up our anger when we are dependent on any social system in which our needs and our experiences are ignored .


Islamic traditions further record that, in vengeful anger, Iblis promises God that he will lead as many humans astray as he can, to which God replies that it is the choice of humans - those who so desire will follow Satan, while those who so desire will follow God.


They say the prime minister has theatrically played up the settlers' fury and unrest in the Likud.


"I was never horribly self-obsessed or wrapped up in my own weirdness, but when my daughter was born, suddenly there was clarity," he said. I wasn't angry anymore. It was the first purely selfless moment that I had ever experienced. And it was liberating.


We had enough of sympathy for fifty years;it nev-er brought us anything;and we would rather havean angry man going to the government and saying,my business is interfered with and I won't submitto its being interfered with any longer because youwon't give women the vote,than to have a gentle-man come onto our platforms year in and year outand talk about his ardent sympathy with woman suffrage.


On his return to the humble dwelling, which he designated, with a smile, as his palace, he said to his sister,"I have just officiated pontifically."


Memories of John Kerry in 2004 came flooding back, of how he tended to describe his feelings rather than experience them, of how he suddenly -and unconvincingly - started to say he was "angry" about this or that when his consultants told him that Howard Dean's anger about the war in Iraq was hitting home with voters.


He was in a state of physical suffering, as though from corporal punishment, and could not help expressing it in wrathful and agonised outcries. But soon his strength was exhausted, and looking about him, feeling that he had said a great deal that was unjust, he got into his carriage and drove back in silence.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
