英语人>网络例句>忧郁 相关的搜索结果


与 忧郁 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As at the previous commemorations at Ground Zero, family members read the names of the dead in a solemn ceremony against a sound track of somber and patriotic music.


As at the previous commemorations at Ground Zero, family members read the names of the dead in a solemn ceremony against a sound track of somber and patriotic music.


A melancholic depression, melancholic meaning to cause or communicate a feeling of sadness, is an uncommon type of depression affecting no more than two percent of depressives.

一略带伤感的抑郁症,忧郁的含义,以事业或沟通的感觉,悲伤,是一种少见的类型抑郁症的影响不超过2 %的抑郁症。

He not merely inherits the literature makings with plaintive and gentle classical sad literature of China, the picture highly China of different levels people all sorts of separation and reunion of feeling distillations of declining trend reach historical philosophy and culture go on aesthetic conceptions take the picture highly, have fully displayed cultural complex and melancholy and sad beauty feeling both grieved and indignant at the depravity of human society and the suffering of the teeming masses of the accumulation of lots and lots of years of Chinese nation.


His earliest work utilized a more somber palette, of greys and blacks in the style of the German Expressionists, both early and modern.


Research in the July 2003 issue of the journal Psychosomatic Medicine points out that people who think positively get sick less than those who are depressed or suffer from anxiety.


Throughout the night Aouda, full of sad forebodings, her heart stifled with anguish, wandered about on the verge of the plains. Her imagination carried her far off, and showed her innumerable dangers.


Io io was the daughter of a rivergod.she was loved,run after and won by zeus.hera became so greeneyed that she flew down from olympus one day to pay her rival back .zeus,however,had foreseen her arrival and changed io into abeautiful white little cow.seeing through the trick,hera asked for the cow as a present and zeus had to give in to her wish .then she left the cow to the care of a hundredeyed monster,argus.argus'' eyes were ever open and no escape was possible.unable to bear to see her so unhappy,zeus sent hermes down todestroy the monster.dressed up as a shepherd,hermes lulled argus to sleep with his sweet songs and long stories,then killed him and set io free.but hera''s anger was not to be calmed downyet.she sent a gadfly to attack the cow and drive her from land to land.in her misery the cow passed over the strait which divides europe and asia.in this way the strip of water got itsname bosporus ,the way of the cow.she wandered over thesea,which by chance got from her its name the ionian sea .in the end she arrived in egypt where she was turned back into hernatural form .she settled down and gave birth to a son,some of her children remained in egypt and ruled as kings for a longtime.


Io io was the daughter of a rivergod.she was loved,run after and won by zeus.hera became so greeneyed that she flew down from olympus one day to pay her rival back .zeus,however,had foreseen her arrival and changed io into abeautiful white little cow.seeing through the trick,hera asked for the cow as a present and zeus had to give in to her wish .then she left the cow to the care of a hundredeyed monster, argus.argus\'\' eyes were ever open and no escape was possible.unable to bear to see her so unhappy,zeus sent hermes down todestroy the monster.dressed up as a shepherd,hermes lulled argus to sleep with his sweet songs and long stories,then killed him and set io free.

伊俄 伊俄是河神的女儿,宙斯爱她,追求她,并得到了她。赫拉对此嫉妒不已。一天她飞下奥林波斯山向情敌施加报复。然而宙斯早已预见到她的光临,就将伊俄变成了一头美丽的小白牛犊,赫拉看穿了其中的诡计,非要一头牛犊作为礼物。宙斯无奈,只得让她如愿以偿。赫拉便将牛犊托付给百眼魔鬼阿刚斯看管。阿刚斯的眼睛永远睁着,要想逃脱是不可能的。看到伊俄如此忧郁,宙斯简直无法忍受,便令赫耳墨斯将魔鬼铲除。赫耳墨斯乔装成牧羊人给阿刚斯唱悦耳动听的歌,讲冗长乏味的故事以哄他入睡。

Therefore, any change in pressure or hesitations in the line may signal a strike.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
