英语人>网络例句>叙利亚人的 相关的搜索结果


与 叙利亚人的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ethnic composition: Eastern Hamitic - 90%; other ( Copt, Greek, Italian and Syro-Lebanese)- 10%.


Hanukkah /'hɑnk / a lesser Jewish festival, lasting eight days from the 25th day of Kislev and commemorating the rededication of the Temple in 165 bc by the Maccabees after its desecration by the Syrians. It is marked by the successive kindling of eight lights


We have seen that the Eastern Syrians expressed their national, anti-Imperial feeling by adopting the extreme opposite heresy, Nestorianism, which, however, had the same advantage of not being the religion of Caesar and his court.


I fear him not, princess; there is no man I fear. But the Tetrarch has formally forbidden


For example, 48 percent of all Syrians are under 15 years of age, a not unrepresentative statistic suggesting that future problems of unemployment and food shortages will be greater than they are now.

举例来说, 48 %的所有叙利亚人是年龄在15岁以下,不具有代表性的统计表明未来的失业问题和粮食短缺将有更大的比他们现在。

The Golan Heights will always find its way to any posting about Syria's future. Philip I from Via Recta, brings the Golan back into focus as our collective aim

在任何有关叙利亚未来的文章里总会提到戈兰高地,Philip I在他的部落格 Recta 里就把戈兰高地的问题再度置於焦点下,使它成为每个人的共同目标。

The authorities, including the minister of culture, Farouk Hosni, have remained silent in both cases, thereby irking liberal campaigners.

包括文化部部长Farouk Hosni在内的埃及当局对这两起事件皆保持沉默。2000年,叙利亚人Haydar Haydar的小说Banquet for Seaweed中滑稽的无神论者有对古兰经的不敬影射,当时埃及学生纷纷抗议,但Farouk Hosni却公开表示反对禁刊。

Four lepers, having visited the camp of the Syrians, bring word of their flight.


He is often identified as Dhul-Qarnayn in Middle Eastern traditions and is called al-Iskandar al-Kabeer in Arabic, Sikandar-e-azam in Urdu, Dul-Qarnayim in Hebrew, and Tre-Qarnayia in Aramaic (the two-horned one), apparently due to an image on coins minted during his rule that seemingly depicted him with the two ram's horns of the Egyptian god Ammon.

在中东传统中他被称为&Dhul-Qarnayn&,在阿拉伯语中被称为&al-Iskandar al-Kabeer&,在乌尔都语(现今巴基斯坦使用的语言之一)中被称为&Sikandar-e-azam&,在希伯来语中被称为&Dul-Qarnayim&,在阿拉姆语(耶稣基督时代的犹太人语言,旧约有的是用这种语言书写的,现今有部分叙利亚人还在使用)中被称为&Tre-Qarnayia&。

So successful was the Assyrian missionary enterprise, by the end of the twelfth century the Assyrian Church was larger than the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches combined, and it spanned the Asian continent, from Syria to Mongolia, Korea, China, Japan and the Philippines.


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Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
