英语人>网络例句>协调者 相关的搜索结果


与 协调者 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among them, it is the most influential that the ones that receive the speed are incongruous, secondly quality.


It indicated that human beings have entered a new era of ecological civilization, which is the indemnitor of coordinating development of material civilization, the modeller of spiritual civilization with times, the embodiment of conscience of gradually improved political civilization.


The preventing and remedying desertification puts into practice prevention as main,principle of combining ecology protection with Prevensing and remedying,principle of preventing and remedy and economy development and utilization coodinated and promoting,comprehensive preventing and remedying and chassified control combines,public particlpation and renovating person benifits combine for different responsibility body bearing different responsibility bearing principle,becanse of man-made fault causing desartification preventing and remedying responsibility carrying out action-person bearing principle,principle of gorernment mainly bearing desertification recovery caused by nature action and benifit's person undertaking reasonable burban and decide unified planing system,systen of desertification status investigation and monitoring early warning system,fallow,limited cultivating hand and help-the poor combined systen,prohibitory systan,priority region and urgent-action region system.


For those who are ascending, you may call on the fourth octave of love to harmonize a disharmonious circumstance.


At the same time, Inner Mongolia decided to take the lead in price sector, agriculture and animal husbandry sector, dairy associations, dairy manufacturing enterprises, raw milk buyers, milk and other livestock farmers on behalf of the common component of Health milk prices Co-ordinating Committee, regular patterns of different culture and the season off-season transaction Health milk reference price.


At the same time, the process of vocal teaching is always going with involvement and adjustment of the psychological activities, being instructed and affected by them.


If you want to contribute more time, please put your name in the coordinators field.


These would really make nurses to be good communicators and coordinators, to provide high-quality services for patients.


You will complete an application and interview with the program coordinators as your visit progresses.


Karin Holser, the coordinator of the Pribilof Islands Stewardship Program, which recruits school kids and teenagers to clean up beaches, cut away plastic and rope from entangled seals, and help gather data, says she is frustrated also.

恢复学校小孩和青少年清扫海滩的 Karin Holser,Pribilof 岛总管的职务计画的协调者,从纠缠切割离开塑料和粗绳封闭,而且帮助聚集数据,她也是失望。

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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
