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与 出版的自由 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In his latest book, Doing Our Own Thing: The Degradation of language and Music and why we should like, care, John McWhorter, a linguist and controversialist of mixed liberal and conservative views, sees the triumph of 1960s counter-culture as responsible for the decline of formal English.

John Mc Whorter 是一名语言学家,同时有是一名持自由和保守观点的好争论者,在他最近出版的新书:《做自己的事--语言和音乐的退化,为什麽我们应该关注》中,他认为20 世纪60年代反文化潮流的胜利要为正式英语的衰亡负责。

In his latest book, Doing Our Own Thing: The Degradation of language and Music and Why We Should Like, Care, John McWhorter, a linguist and controversialist of mixed liberal and conservative views, sees the triumph of 1960s counter culture as responsible for the decline of formal English.

John McWhorter是一名语言学家,同时又是一名持自由和保守观点的好争论者,在他最近出版的新书《做自己的事--语言和音乐的退化,为什么我们应该关注》中,他认为20世纪60年代反文化潮流的胜利要为正式英语的衰亡负责。

There never would have been any such thing to fight for as free speech, free press, free worship, or free soil, if nobody had ever put restraints on men in those matters.


Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of petition are all part of the right to freedom of expression protected by the First Amendment.


In this paper, I introduce the development of the Press Freedom, interpret the concept of the Press of Freedom in detail. I also put forward my Promethean understand when I analyse the connection and difference among the Freedom of Press, the Freedom of Speech and the Freedom of Journalism.


Han, a high school dropout, has built a franchise by tweaking his elders, once stating,"No matter how rude and immature they are, how unskillfully they write, the future literary world belongs to the post-'80s generation. They must be more arrogant. A writer must be arrogant." Yet despite his youthful bravado, Han, who has published 14 books and anthologies, generally stays away from sensitive issues such as democracy and human rights. His calculated rebelliousness, says Lydia Liu, a professor of Chinese and Comparative Literature at Columbia University, exemplifies the unspoken compact his generation has forged with the ruling Communist Party: Leave us alone to have fun and we won't challenge your right to run the country.

韩寒,一个高中退学生,借力于他对老一辈作家的讽刺,他曾指出:"不管他们写的多么粗俗,多么幼稚,多么烂,中国文坛的未来是属于80后的,他们必须更加清高,一个作家,就必须清高"尽管他年轻高傲,却已经出版了14本书和精选集,这些书一般都远离敏感的问题,比如民主和人权,哥伦比亚大学汉语比较学的教授Lydia Liu评价他这种游刃有余的反叛性,例证了他在共产党的当言则不当隐--给我足够的自由做我喜欢的事情,我则不会对你的政权构成任何的威胁。

Areopagitica gives one of the most eloquent of all pleas for freedom of the press.


Another seminal work of Milton was Areopagitica, among history's most influential and impassioned philosophical defences of the principle of a right to freedom of speech, which was written in opposition to licensing and censorship and is regarded as one of the most eloquent defenses of press freedom ever written.


However, the lack of Law on the Press and the fact that some theories of the freedom of the press are unimplemented and unobserved systematically result in Chinese citizens' unenjoyment of the right in a real sense, hence, meeting with the plight for the implementation of the freedom of the press in China.


Since then the Worship and Doctrine Measure of 1974 has given the Church of England greater freedom to control its liturgy, and in consequence the Alternative Service Book was published in 1980 to supplement with modern services, but not to supersede, the Book of Common Prayer.

自那时以来,崇拜和教义的措施, 1974年已获得英国教会有更大的自由来控制它的礼拜仪式,并在后果替代役这本书出版于1980年,以补充与现代服务业,但不是为了取代,这本书的共同祈祷。

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Do not gum up the work by telling mother what we are going to do .


In recent years, application of the partial prestressed concrete beam s is developed.


Gorky once said:"If it is not a book, I'd be stupid and indecent drowning."
