英语人>网络例句>佛陀的 相关的搜索结果


与 佛陀的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But as Buddha had entered into Nirvana and could not be sensible of these religious honours, the need was felt of a living personality to whom the people could pray.


And as prayers and offerings to the traditional gods were held to be of no avail for the attainment of this negative state of bliss, Buddha, with greater consistency than was shown in pantheistic Brahminism, rejected both the Vedas and the Vedic rites.

作为祈祷和产品,以传统的神被认为是无济于事的,为实现这一消极状态的极乐世界,佛陀,以更大的一致性比显示pantheistic brahminism ,驳回双方vedas和吠陀仪式。

The Buddha sincerely commiserated for his loss, and compassionately consoled, Although you have lost your sight, but your heart is still clear.


This three-way division of the word "Dhamma" acts as a map showing how to take the external refuges and make them internal: learning about the teachings, using them to develop the qualities that the Buddha himself used to attain Awakening, and then realizing the same release from danger that he found in the quality of Deathlessness that we can touch within.


The path taught by the Buddha always have unique quality, what is it that makes the Buddhist path unique? The Buddhist path consist of two component, wisdom and method, or wisdom and skillful means, or in this case: wisdom and compassion.


This was the beginning of a cult of devotion to the person of the Buddha that was to focus not only on stupas but on many holy sites, which became centers of pilgrimage, and eventually on Buddha images as well.


Thus has it been said by the Buddha, the Enlightened One: It is through not understanding, not realizing four things, that I, Disciples, as well as you, had to wander so long through this round of rebirths.


Training my mind through study, reflection and meditation, the source of higher rebirths and definite goodness, may I follow the Buddha's precious teachings!


Self-view is deeply rooted in all living beings, and cannot be removed unless one practises insight meditation.


To some people, Gotama Buddha might merely be a fabricated character and Buddhism is only created to provide us spiritual sustenance.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
