英语人>网络例句>人类医学 相关的搜索结果


与 人类医学 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main cause is the hyperlipidemia and hyperviscosity of the blood which cause to arteriosclerosis, flew sluggish, incrassation of vessel wall, jam of the blood flow.


Nature Medicine carried a report by Jean-Christophe Plantier of the University of Rouen and his colleagues of a new human immunodeficiency virus detected in a Cameroonian woman.

自然医学杂志刊登了Rouen大学的Jean-Christophe Plantier和同事们的一篇报告,在一名喀麦隆妇女身上检测到一种新的人类免疫缺损病毒。

Nature Medicine carried a report by Jean-Christophe Plantier of the University of Rouen and his colleagues of a new human immunodeficiency virus detected in a Cameroonian woman.


Nature Medicine carried a report by Jean-Christophe Plantier of the University of Rouen and his colleagues of a new human immunodeficiency virus detected in a Cameroonian woman.


CM serves as a forum for the exchange of information on etiopathogenesis, epidemiology, diagnosis, therapy, and prevention of infectious and noninfectious diseases of laboratory animals; naturally occurring and induced models of human disease; research applications of animals; and the biology of laboratory animals.


Ponderation of human genome project and reform of medical teaching .


It is estimated that there are about 40,000 functional genes.In order to understand those genes related to human diseases and the novel functional genes, the genetic manipulated mice including transgenic mice and knockout mice have been generated to facilitate the purpose.This transgenic core has been collaborated with industrial and research institutes for years, and has built up competitive know-how for transgenic mice, embryo cryopreservation, and pathogen free rederivation.

小鼠长期以来即为研究人类疾病最佳动物模式,2001年美国赛洛因公司已将小鼠129的两个品系之基因序列解码完成提供付费使用,2003年小鼠B6的基因序列也被Mouse Genomic DNA Sequencing Consortium解码完成,预估约有4万个功能基因,随著基因操控技术的成熟,制造出各种带不同基因缺陷的模式动物供生物医学研究已非难事。

As an existential-humanistic psychologist, he try to counter reductionistic, medical model, manipulative trends in psychology and managed care and research with approaches that honor our higher human potential.


When we enter into the modern society, not only has the abstract science directly relating to human being (such as anatomy, physiology, medicine, ethnics, aesthetics, linguistics and so on) make big progress, but also some new subjects directly researching on issues on human beings (such as the science on thinking, the science on talent, the science on creativity, and the science on character and so on) has sprigged up like mushrooms.


Cases (36 adult and 25 fetal) were prepared by perfusing with ABS in order to observe orientation and angulation of arteries on the base of the brain.

目的 脑血管病是危害人类生命与健康的常见病,多年来,一直是临床神经病学及医学影像学的重大课题之一。

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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
