英语人>网络例句>人生观 相关的搜索结果


与 人生观 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is stressing the party spirit, the heavy conduct, to make the model aspect, had the problem which truly is noteworthy: In few party members and in the leading cadre, the ideal faith is faint, the world outlook, the outlook on life, the values distortion, are not divided the right and wrong, does not insist the truth; Studies not really to party's elementary theory, believes not really, uses not really; To harms the party and the national interest words and deeds ignores, is overcautious and indecisive, the evasion contradiction, does not rest on principle; Craves in politics in exploiting one's connections, looks for the seat, the running official to want the official; Exploits power in the economy, forgets honor at the sight of profits, resorts to all means; Seeks ease and comfort in the life, is dissolute, is wanton and luxurious living; Is desolate to the populace emotion, is indifferent, numb, disregards the populace safety changes in temperature; Some existence bureaucracy, formalism, pick the easy jobs and shirk the hard ones, use deception.


The mission of the stage English of foundation education course is:Stir up with development student study English of interest, make the student set up self-confidence heart, develop good of study habit and formation valid of study strategy, development independence study of ability and cooperation spirit;Make the student control certain of English foundation knowledge with listen to, say, read, write technical ability, formation certain of comprehensive language usage ability;The observation of the development student, memory, thinking, imagination ability and frontier spirit;Help student understanding world with medium west culture of difference, expand visual field, development patriotism spirit, formation health of philosophy of life, is their life long study and development dozen descend good foundation.


If my advocate feels " lubricious give up " to our pupil, especially young woman student establishs correct philosophy, viewpoint of value, have great sense.


Lupus can have a profound effect on one's mood and outlook on life.

狼疮可以对人的情绪和人生观1 深远的影响。

In modern society, mass media have become an important factor influencing ideological and political education among teenagers.


"A great many people and a great number of circumstances in my old schools crossed each other so as to make up of a resultant force like countless parallelogram in mechanics principle, which directs our outlook on life and value; it is these certain expressions and unforgettable details of some familiar people that are borne in mind memorably, which has formed the four-year history."


In sharp decline after the vote was not aware of Morgan's own misjudgment continue the positive outlook.


There is so much difference in philosophy of life between the Chinese and the occidental.


I have a new outlook on life.


If it doesn't change your life, it will change your outlook.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
